CIVITAS National Networks receive further support from the CIVINET Activity Fund 2021


CIVINET Activity Fund 2021

Seven CIVINETs (CIVITAS National Networks) have received financial support to carry out activities that add value to the CIVITAS Initiative's main assets. The activities will address a range of topics, such as mobility system resiliency and adaptability when faced with disruptive or unexpected events. The accessibility and connectivity of vulnerable and excluded community and social groups will also play an important role in the activities.

The funding was allocated by the CIVINET Activity Fund, a programme that supports the uptake of sustainable urban mobility measures in Europe by providing financial assistance for specific activities of the CIVINETs. The CIVINET Activity Fund is administrated by CIVITAS ELEVATE, the CIVITAS 2020 Coordination and Support Action. The funding is designated to be used during the period November 2021 – August 2022. 

Learn more below about the seven CIVINETs that are the current recipients of the CIVINET Activity Fund.

CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics

Anticipated activities will focus on taking the experiences from previous activities, analysing them and utilising those experiences for the development of effective future activities. Sharing successes and expert knowledge as well as building off of previous networks and project results, will be central to these activities. The implementation of the proposed activities will support the implementation of the European Commission‘s Green Deal and the objectives of the Urban Mobility Package.

Learn more about the CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics here.

CIVINET Deutscher Sprachraum

Proposed activities will focus on capacity building and collaboration, by providing a space for knowledge transfer and engagement. Through roundtable discussions, workshops, study tours and webinars, it is anticipated that a greater number of people will understand the Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning concept. Activities will generally aim to move beyond the silo approach as a means for development, and focus instead on the potential of integrated planning and development. Increased engagement with other CIVINETs is also expected.

Learn more about the CIVINET Deutscher Sprachraum here.

CIVINET Greece-Cyprus

Anticipated activities will include the development of a CIVINET Greece-Cyprus platform, which will be used as a capacity-building tool and promoter of the CIVITAS objectives. The platform will draw from the sustainable mobility-related activities that have taken place in Greece and Cyprus, and present their findings in one linguistically accessible and centralised place. Other expected activities include the development of linkages with certain CIVITAS projects and a Practitioner Briefing on SIMP (Sustainable Island Mobility Plan).

Learn more about the CIVINET Greece-Cyprus here.


Planned activities will focus on the involvement of a range of actors from different sectors, with the intention of tackling mobility challenges through a multidimensional and united approach. An example of this is Mobilitars, a three-day mobility conference about car-free cities, which includes the perspectives of physicians, urban planners, sociologists and architects. Capacity building activities are also planned, in which home-to-work mobility plans, among other things, will be discussed.

Learn more about the CIVINET Italia here.


Capacity building activities will focus both on the wider European policy perspective and specific mobility measures, such as parking management in cooperation with the CIVITAS Park4SUMP project. Activities will also address different audiences, targeting students and young professionals, local politicians, and mobility practitioners. One webinar will focus on the EU Urban Mobility Package, with the intention of making it clearer to cities. Finally, a podcast series will highlight the European Commission’s Green Deal policy and other strategies related to sustainable urban mobility.

Learn more about the CIVINET Romania here.

CIVINET Slovenia – Croatia – South East Europe

The activities proposed will span from the educational (organising online training courses, summer schools and study tours) to the collaborative (organising the second CIVITAS Regional City Exchange Workshop, which will take place in January 2022 in Koprivnica, Croatia). Additionally, activities will continue to establish cooperation with other CIVINETs. A study tour to Prague is planned in order to deepen the cooperation and knowledge transfer with the CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics.

Learn more about the CIVINET Slovenia – Croatia – South East Europe here.


The foreseen activities are diverse and innovative, and have been selected by the members of the CIVINET. This indicates a high interest to learn more about the topic and its usefulness. A study tour will be organised outside Hungary in cooperation with the CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics, and the SUMP Topic Guide Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning in Smaller Cities and Towns will be translated into Hungarian, thereby contributing to the preparation of higher quality SUMPs.

Learn more about the Magyar CIVINET here.

Find out more about the CIVINET Activity Fund here and access all of the CIVINET pages here.

Author: Fred DOTTER


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