
New Mobility Services Community

Forging stronger cities by deploying smart and sustainable
new mobility services and solutions.



Large-scale deployment of so-called ’New Mobility Services’ is part of facing today’s biggest mobility challenges. Opportunities like Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS); Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM); and on-demand shared mobility concepts can contribute to more sustainable cities. These are being pioneered by industry, and their implementation and integration rely on partnerships among public authorities, industry, researchers and citizens.

Within this context, in 2014 the ‘New Mobility Services community’ (NMS community), was established within the EU’s Smart Cities Marketplace and embedded into the Sustainable Urban Mobility Action Cluster. The NMS community was coordinated by the Province of Noord-Brabant (NL) until 2021; the NMS community of approximately 170 partners continues its work, now within the umbrella of the CIVITAS Initiative. 

The NMS community consists of public authorities, industry, knowledge institutes, European networks, associations, consultants, and citizens working to to boost the deployment and market uptake of New Mobility Services in urban contexts. The community focuses on deployment opportunities, including by identifying deployment barriers and solutions to overcome them.

The New Mobility Services partnership
Why NMS?

Large-scale implementation of a range of New Mobility Services and solutions can: 

  • Decrease CO2 emissions and concentrations of PM2,5, NOx and O3 to achieve climate goals and improve air quality.
  • Improve urban accessibility, the transport of goods, and liveability.
  • Ensure more efficient and human-centric use of urban space. 
  • Offer cost effective solutions for individual and collective mobility needs.
  • Improve health thanks to cleaner air and encouraging a shift to walking and cycling.
  • Boost social inclusion and quality of life via improved mobility for vulnerable people. 
  • Increase economic opportunities by improving connectivity in cities, and creating new NMS businesses.


The NMS community’s focus

The community takes on a ‘learning by doing’ approach of research, testing and piloting to demonstrate and deploy NMS. Stakeholders from governments, research, industry and civil society are brought together in real community, whereby all partners give and take to develop real life test environments, in which user involvement and user-centric design are key. The NMS community also explores best practices to collect, use and share data needed for NMS deployment.

New cooperation and governance models that support deployment of NMS will be investigated and advanced. This means, for example, ensuring that legislation enables local governments to experiment with new technologies. The NMS community will bring together NMS supply and demand actors and will enlarge the demand side. 

Concrete NMS community actions include:

  • Facilitate testing, piloting, and learning from collaboratively developed pilots
  • Support data collection and analysis
  • Facilitate the involvement of users and implementation of user-centric design
  • Facilitate development of legislation
  • Launch an inventory of best practices and lessons learnt, and a marketplace for NMS suppliers
  • Map existing alliances, platforms, networks and urban NMS projects
  • Build community and foster trust among participants; collaboratively develop a joint agenda that ensures collective benefits
  • Monitor developments and progress in near-future technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine-to-machine-communication, augmented reality, etc.
  • Organise financing and find investors for deployment and piloting


Contact persons:

Edwin Mermans        emermans [at] brabant [dot] nl

Nina Nesterova         Nesterova [dot] N [at] buas [dot] nl

For all NMS community updates, follow NMS on Twitter and LinkedIn.

News and Events

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