CIVINET Nederland
CIVINET is the network of cities and regions for sharing knowledge and experience about sustainable mobility in general and CIVITAS in particular. In addition to access to state-of-the-art expertise, innovations and best practices, CIVINET Netherlands offers an accessible entrance to “Europe”. As a learning network in the Netherlands, CIVINET Netherlands has been bringing together local governments for more than 10 years to work on sustainable, clean and efficient transport systems.
Member Benefits
CIVINET Nederland helps its members to make full
use of innovations and best practices in sustainable mobility. Thanks to the network, members have access to:
- Targeted information about EU mobility policy and current developments within CIVITAS
- State-of-the-art expertise in the field of sustainable and smart mobility
- Knowledge and advice about innovations in sustainable mobility and the best way to implement these innovations within the own context of a city or municipality
- Practical support in identifying European financing opportunities
- Networking opportunities so that your municipality can exchange expertise and set up projects with municipalities, organizations and mobility professionals in the Netherlands and abroad
- Access to current, supporting learning materials
- A shared and politically neutral voice in addressing European, national and regional governments about mobility policy and regulations
Adopt the CIVITAS approach for cleaner and better transport in cities: join us!
- By sharing successful examples: Learn from the experiences of other cities
- More than 650 research and demonstration projects have already been implemented and evaluated in Europe
- Meet, discuss and inspire: CIVINET Netherlands organizes meetings, events, training, workshops, excursions, newsletters and online documentation, accessible to all members. Also in international collaboration with the other CIVINETs
- Drives action: Understand the key drivers for behavior change
- Speak to the right people: Be a member of a European (social) network consisting of technical experts, policy makers and politicians
- Share a common goal: Be part of a common voice towards national and European governments in lobbying on transport policy and regulations
- Participate in a “Center for Excellence”: Professional development through exposure to a wide variety of smart solutions for sustainable mobility
- Have access to financing: European and national funds are available for innovative project proposals
Join us
Membership is accessible to all governments in the Netherlands. By this we mean cities, municipalities, provinces and administrative partnerships. In addition to a regular membership, it is also possible to obtain an extraordinary membership. This type of membership is open to associations, research bodies, universities and other public organizations interested in urban transport.
CIVINET Netherlands was established with the approval of CIVITAS. Within the Netherlands, DTV Consultants supports by fulfilling the role of secretariat.
CIVINET Netherlands members:
Municipality of 's Hertogenbosch
Municipality of Breda
Eindhoven municipality
Municipality of Helmond
Municipality of Oss
Municipality of Leeuwarden
Municipality of Tilburg
CROW - KpVV (Extraordinary membership)
DCMR Environmental Service Rijnmond (Extraordinary membership)
Want to know more about CIVINET Netherlands, the benefits of membership and activities? CIVINET Netherlands would like to hear from you!
Mail: civinet-nederland [at] civitas [dot] eu
Phone: +31 (0)76 513 6600 (Brechtje Walburgh Schmidt, DTV Consultants)