SUM aims to transform current mobility networks into innovative and novel shared mobility systems integrated with public transport.

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About the project

The objective of SUM is to transform current mobility networks into novel shared mobility systems (NSM) integrated with public transport (PT) in 15+ European cities by 2026, when the project concludes. Intermodality, interconnectivity, sustainability, safety, and resilience are at the core of this innovation. The outcomes of the project offer affordable and reliable solutions that consider the needs of all stakeholders, such as end users, private companies, and public urban authorities.

SUM will introduce a number of solutions including prediction, scheduling, integrated NSM-PT ticketing, and real-time NSM management. This created ecosystem will reduce total door-to-door travel time, and ideally shift the behaviour of users away from private vehicles to public transport. The partners in this diverse consortium have access to innovative tools and expertise making them uniquely positioned to tackle the barriers in 9 living labs and 30 organizations across Europe.

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Fast Facts

June 2023 - May 2026

Project duration


Project partners

€ 9,872,097

Project funding



Centre Inria de l'Université de Lille
Project Coordinator

sum-coordinator [at]

Gianmarco Donolato
Project Communication Manager

info [at]

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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