The CIVITAS Initiative supports the youth contribution to transport and mobility through the CIVITAS Educational Network and Mobility Powered by Youth activities and events.

Young people have an integral role to play in the sustainable urban mobility conversation. Their fresh perspectives are a valuable source of insight for decision-makers responsible for shaping mobility at the local, regional and international levels.
The CIVITAS Initiative involves young people in two ways: first through its Educational Network, which enables cooperation between educational institutes active in the field of urban mobility; and second through activities and events, known as Mobility Powered by Youth. These events often aim to connect young people with mobility decision-makers, so that their ideas and perspectives can be heard on a larger stage.
To become involved, monitor the news and open calls section, or follow the CIVITAS Educational Network LinkedIn Group here.
Read more about the Educational Network below. Watch the Spotlight video on the Educational Network. Check out the CIVITAS Catalogue on Education in Urban Mobility here. This catalogue provides an overview of educational offers in (or related to) urban mobility, as offered by educational institutes across Europe.
For any outstanding questions, please contact: Nina Nesterova - Nesterova [dot] N [at] buas [dot] nl
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News and Open Calls
CIVITAS Educational Network
The CIVITAS Educational Network facilitates cross-European cooperation between educational institutes active in the field of mobility. It does by utilising a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to (non-) urban mobility education. The creation of the Network was inspired by the results of a survey conducted by CIVITAS in 2021, which indicated the value of such a network for allowing greater structural cooperation among universities. Launched in late 2021, the network is coordinated by its steering group, and all other network members are involved in co-shaping the direction of the network.
Our mission is to educate future professionals so that they are prepared to implement the sustainable mobility transition. We do this by
- Facilitating cooperation between institutes
- Exchanging knowledge and experiences
- Tackling existing gaps between education and employability
- Fostering synergies and mutual understanding relating to (non-) urban mobility
Added value for members
Gain access
67 contacts from 41 institutes active in mobility from Europe and beyond
Internal working space to pitch ideas, access documents and track events
External LinkedIn group to post updates and promote your activities
Access to members-only activities facilitated by the network
Increase your visibility
Regular meetings with opportunities to present your institute and activities
Regular email updates about requests and activities from other institutes
Official webpage and LinkedIn group – post news/updates, promote your institute/activities and get featured on the map
Opportunity to feature your mobility educational offers in the CIVITAS Catalogue on Education in Urban Mobility
Build partnerships
Build connections for future education and research collaborations
Get to know what other institutes offer in the field of mobility
Exchange knowledge and experience
Foster mobility change across Europe and beyond by being a part of an expert group of member institutes
Involve your students
Be the first to discover CIVITAS Youth activities where your students can be involved
Opportunity to partner up for the facilitation of exchange and youth activities
Added value for all stakeholders

How to join?
For educational institutions interesting in joining the CIVITAS Educational Network, please fill in the entry survey to specify your interests:
Mobility Powered by Youth
CIVITAS enables the involvement of youth in various activities and events facilitated under the Mobility Powered by Youth programme. Check out some of the past activities below, and stay tuned for upcoming announcements for youth opportunities at the News & Open Calls section. Check out the videos below to see past editions of the Mobility Powered by Youth Conference.
Read about past events and activities below:
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If you are interested in becoming involved in the CIVITAS Educational Network or Mobility Powered by Youth activities, please contact:
- Dr. Nina Nesterova – nesterova [dot] n [at] buas [dot] nl
- Ekaterina Uzunova – uzunova [dot] e [at] buas [dot] nl