image/svg+xmlCIVINET membersin these countries


What is the network?

CIVINET - CIVITAS National Networks - is a project funded by the European Commission that originates from the CIVITAS programme.

The Italian Network CIVINET is a platform created with the aim of allowing Italian cities to share experiences and good practices for the development and implementation of strategies, policies and measures in the field of sustainable mobility.

The CIVINET Network aims to:

  • promote the CIVITAS philosophy for sustainable mobility and its principles towards other cities, the media, citizens and all other interested parties on Italian territory
  • provide support for dialogue with Local Authorities, Ministries and the European Community on sustainable mobility with particular attention to the specific themes of the geographical region covered by the network
  • allow cities participating in the network to exchange their experiences without language barriers and work in partnership with innovative cities
  • discuss with national institutions and the European Union on aspects related to politics, legislation, standards and financing in the field of mobility.

Member Benefits

  • Have opportunities for comparison with other Italian and European cities
  • Always be updated on available technologies , the best policies adopted and the resulting results
  • Support the development and implementation of sustainable urban transport policies in your city that include innovative measures, technologies and infrastructures
  • Share your experiences with the cities participating in the network in order to draw inspiration from the progress and results
  • Being able to create "partnerships" on specific thematic areas related to sustainable mobility
  • Always have direct contact with experienced partners and the European Commission , on activities carried out in the field of sustainable mobility
  • Always be updated on the possibilities and methods of accessing financing for sustainable mobility and be involved in related activities
  • Have the possibility of obtaining coverage of expenses incurred for activities during the entire CIVINET project
  • Broaden the sphere of interest of all adhering members who, for the first time, are looking at the European "Sustainable Mobility" project.


They can join as effective members of the Network:

  • Local societies
  • Central and Peripheral Administrations
  • Other Public Bodies.

They can join as associate members of the Network:

  • Research centers
  • University
  • Associations
  • Other organizations that have an interest in sustainable mobility issues.

Join us

In order to join the Italian network, it is necessary to fill out the letter of intent and send it to the Network Secretariat via email or fax.

The Network Secretariat is available to provide further information on membership:

Stefano Proietti - Mario Gualdi
Civinet-Italia [at] civitas [dot] eu
Tel.: +39 06 3212655
Fax: +39 06 3213049


Segretariato del Network:
Stefano Proietti - Mario Gualdi
E-mail: Civinet-Italia [at] civitas [dot] eu
Telefono: +39 06 3212655


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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