CIVINET Greece-Cyprus
CIVINET CY-EL is the Greek-speaking local network of CIVITAS, which focuses on the promotion of Sustainable Mobility in Greece and Cyprus. It is also national multiplier of ELTIS and a key partner of the Urban Transports Community of Interreg MED.
Its main role is:
- raising awareness among citizens, mobility practitioners, stakeholders and politicians
- capacity building of the staff of public and private sector
- providing funding opportunities and supporting local authorities in implementing sustainable mobility measures
- supporting governments for the appropriate adaptation of the legislative framework
- promoting the achievements and the needs of its members, at national and European level
The bodies of the Network include the General Assembly, Secretariat, Political Advisory Committee, Scientific Advisory Committee, and the Thematic and Territorial Working Groups.
The financial viability of CIVINET CY-EL is dependent on revenue generation from:
- CIVITAS and European programmes
- The central state
- Collaboration with other public bodies (educational, research, etc)
- Collaboration with the private sector
- Annual membership fees of its members
Role in EU Projects
Since its beginning, CIVINET CY-EL Secretariat has been very active supporting the network’s members and participating in European projects as partner or subcontractor. Its role varies among managerial, scientific and technical, operational and institutional.
During the first three years of its operation, the CIVINET CY-EL team grew rapidly by engaging members experienced in managing European and national projects.
Scientific and technical
Supported by the network’s Scientific Advisory Committee, CIVINET CY-EL has pursued scientific and technical activities mainly in the fields of sustainable mobility and urban regeneration, resulting in the creation of more than 10 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and Sustainable Island Mobility Plans (SIMPs) across Greece and Cyprus. Other fields of interest are climate change, resiliency, energy and smart cities.
Communication, networking and transferring
The Secretariat is also proficient at delivering communication, networking and transferring activities and event, which actively involve cities participating in CIVITAS projects, CIVITAS member cities, the general public and stakeholders from Greece and Cyprus.
With a wide pool of Greek and Cypriot operational and institutional partners, CIVINET CY-EL is able to support CIVITAS projects and contribute to the achievement of their capitalisation goals by promoting the project results at the regional level and via the CIVITAS Political Advisory Committee (CIVITAS PAC). Participation and role in CIVITAS projects includes:
- CIVITAS SATELLITE / Horizon 2020 (subcontractor)
- CIVITAS ELEVATE / Horizon 2020 (subcontractor)
- CIVITAS SUMPs-UP / Horizon 2020 (subcontractor)
- CIVITAS PROSPERITY / Horizon 2020 (SUMP ambassador)
Member Benefits
Local and Regional Authorities can find within the CIVINET CY-EL a stable and specialised partner in the field of Sustainable Mobility, which directly represents the CIVITAS community and values. This can be a contributing factor to the strengthening of an authorities' Services, through training, guidance and support on sustainable mobility projects and policies, and the gain of funding opportunities at the regional, national and European levels.
CIVINET CY-EL creates economies of scale and increased bargaining power, as it unites the forces of Local and Regional Authorities with the governments of the two countries, and with decision-makers at the European level.
Especially after the emergence of COVID-19 and the new challenges that are emerging both globally and locally, especially with regard to public space and mobility, close cooperation with the CIVINET CY-EL Network proves to be relevant and essential.
Success Stories
During the first three years of our operation, more than 40 local and regional authorities have benefited from our actions. Indicatively some are the following:
- 126 Municipalities in Greece have benefited from the development of a funding programme of €9,5 M from the Green Fund / Ministry of Environment for SUMP elaboration, thanks a CIVINET CY-EL proposal
- The Region of Crete, for its participation in the “INCIRCLE” Project (Interreg MED), with a budget of €116,648
- The Municipality of Kaisariani, for its participation in the project “The Path of Memories” (Actors of Urban Change) and the support it received regarding the elaboration of its SUMP
- The Municipality of Larnaca, for its participation in the “INCIRCLE” project (Interreg MED) with a budget of €251,209, in the SLP 5 training programme of CIVITAS SUMPs-UP (Horizon 2020) and the “Urban Transports” project (Interreg MED)
- The Municipality of Pallini, for its participation in the “URBAN TRANSPORTS” project (Interreg MED) and the invitation to participate in educational trips with expenses covered
- The Municipality of Rethymno, for its participation in the “INCIRCLE” project (Interreg MED), with a budget of €206,615 and its support for participation in the CIVITAS PAC
- The Development Agency of Karditsa S.A., for the approval of funding of €15,000 from the Green Fund for the co-organisation of a conference on Sustainable Mobility with CIVINET CY-EL
- The Municipality of Larissa, for its participation in the “URBAN TRANSPORTS” project (Interreg MED) and support to an activity included in the European Mobility Week
Members and Supporters
CIVINET CY-EL members can only be Local and Regional Authorities, while any other body can act in a supporting, advisory or cooperative capacity towards the Network. Its members differentiate between Basic (observers) and Full (subscribers).
As of June 2021, it has about 120 municipalities and 6 regions as basic members, while 10 of them are full members. Participating municipalities include:
- Agios Dimitrios
- Kavala
- Larissa
- Nea Smyrni
- Pallini
- Penteli
- Rethymno
- Vari - Voula - Vouliagmeni
- Veria
- Vyronas
The Network is also supported by 4 Ministries and 8 governmental organisations, as well as by a Scientific Advisory Committee of 35 scientific bodies.
Finally, CIVINET CY-EL has recently launched strategic collaborations with two valuable partners in Greece, the University of Patras – Department of Civil Engineering and the OTE Academy / OTE Group (member of Deutsche Telekom).
Join us
For a Local or Regional Authority to become a Basic member is free of charge. Simply follow the procedures below:
- Designate a contact person
- The contact person must complete the CIVITAS Declaration and after it has been signed by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Secretary General, he/she sends it to info [at] civinet [dot] gr
To become a Full member (subscriber), you must follow the direct assignment procedures for subscription services. In this case, it is best to contact a member of our organisation first.
Kosmas Anagnostopoulos
Founder and Legal Representative of CIVINET CY-EL Secretariat
Agiou Gerasimou 23, 15771 Zografou, Attica, Greece
tel.: +30 210 77 10 979
email: info [at] civinet [dot] gr
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