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CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE

CIVINET Slovenia - Croatia - Southeast Europe is a network of cities and other stakeholders that are focused on and advocating for sustainable planning and mobility management. Since it’s foundation in 2013, it has been active in the areas of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. The objective of the network is knowledge sharing and good practice exchange, as well as implementation of partner projects which are meant to finance future sustainable mobility activities. Networking and all forms of cooperation are welcome for more effective urban traffic and mobility problem solving, thus strengthening the local, regional and national capacity around sustainable urban mobility, which enables better usage of EU funds.


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Our Work

CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-South East Europe acts as an ambassador of European urban mobility policy at local, regional and national levels. With a special focus on SUMPs, passenger transport integration, active mobility, climate change mitigation and transformation of public spaces, the work is comprised of organising diverse activities including conferences, webinars, study visits, and panel discussions, in line with EU policies and network member inputs. Some of the key activities of the network over the years are listed below:


  • 10th anniversary of the CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE network and the International conference "Cities for Climate Neutrality" in Ljubljana
  • Hosted study visits for other CIVINETs, such as CIVINET Greece-Cyprus visiting Zagreb and Ljubljana and CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics visiting Ljubljana and Maribor
  • Hosted the workshop, “Innovative approach to sustainable mobility“ in Maribor
  • Hosted the Summer School for youth, "Planning Cities of the Future" in Šibenik


  • Hosted the conference/assembly "Cities, climate and traffic“ in Zagreb
  • Hosted three thematic webinars on the topics of the expansion of pedestrian zones, the contribution of railways, and behavioural change in urban mobility
  • Attended a study visit hosted by CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics in Prague
  • Established LinkedIn and Instagram channels


  • Starting from 1st January 2021, City of Zagreb became a Network coordinator for the next four years.
  • Hosted three thematic webinars on the topics of mobility in the time of COVID-19, Clean vehicles and innovative technologies, and sustainable rural mobility
  • General Assembly and round table, "Measures for sustainable urban mobility in tourist destinations" in Šibenik
  • Attended and contributed to the CIVITAS Park4SUMP project workshop, "Parking policies and measures for sustainable urban mobility" in Zadar


  • Hosted online and in-person workshops on micromobility; as well as the future of public city transport, with an emphasis on the introduction of clean and energy-efficient vehicles
  • Hosted the 7th General Assembly of the Network, and 5th CIVINET Forum, "Innovations in transport policies and solutions for sustainable mobility" in Zagreb


  • Hosted a Round table on safety of non-motorised traffic together with CIVINET members ODRAZ and Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, in cooperation with Pro Velo Swiss
  • Organized a workshop on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans for city representatives and other stakeholders involved in integrated traffic planning
  • Attended the CIVITAS Forum 2019, in Graz, Austria, where member Lidija Pavic-Rogosic received a Lifetime Award for her exceptional commitment and active contribution to the CIVITAS Initiative


  • Hosted a training opportunity on design and implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP)
  • Hosted a Round table on SUMPs in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Organised the 'Plan and combine!' educational workshop on new concepts of spatial - urban planning, which focused on multimodality in spatial planning and urban planning
  • Hosted the 3rd CIVINET Forum, "Sustainable mobility and Integrated passenger transportation system in the function of positive demographic trends" in Varaždin


  • Participated and presented at the European SUMP conference
  • Hosted a round table on integrated town planning and SUMPs
  • Participated in the 6th International Conference 'Towards a Humane City' in Novi Sad


  • Attended a Study tour in Graz, Austria hosted by the CIVINET Deutscher Sprachraum and Magyar CIVINET
  • Hosted the workshop “Pedestrians and cyclists – how to get along in the city centre?” in Zagreb
  • Organised a workshop on cycling and health together with the Regional Environmental Center in cooperation with the Slovenian cycling network and the municipality of Kranj


  • Attended a Study visit focused on traffic calming, car-free lifestyles and better parking management in Zürich/Luzern
  • Organised the seminar "Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans-SUMP" together with the European Platform for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, JASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions) and the CIVITAS project DYN@MO
  • Hosted a Study tour to discuss pedestrian zone planning, logistics and suburban bus line extension in Ljubljana


  • Organised the workshop “Safe areas around schools” in the City of Koprivnica, in the scope of CIVITAS CAPITAL Activity fund
  • Organised together with the City of Zagreb a “BOB - Bike on Bus” workshop



        CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE currently has more than 230 members, capital cities and small and medium sized ones, sustainable mobility stakeholders including civil society organisations, public transport providers, institutes, ministries.

        Join us

        Please fill-in the membership application, located here or at the bottom of the page; and send it to: civinet [at] odraz [dot] hr


        Network coordinator: Matija Vuger matija [dot] vuger [at] zagreb [dot] hr

        Network Secretariat: Goran Lampeljgoran [at] odraz [dot] hr, civinet [at] odraz [dot] hr

        News & Events

        Knowledge Bank

        .eu web awards
        ELTIS / Urban Mobility Observatory LOGO
        European Mobility Week
        netzerocities logo
        Smart Cities Marketplace
        EU Logo

        Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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