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CIVINET Polska is a local CIVITAS network bringing together public and private entities and non-governmental organizations operating in the field of urban transport and mobility at the national level, to promote and implement integrated strategies for sustainable urban mobility. CIVINET Polska is a kind of national ambassador of the European CIVITAS Program, which has been working for over 20 years to realize sustainable and intelligent urban mobility for all users.

Our Work

CIVINET Polska sets itself the following goals:

  • Promotion of the results and approach developed by the CIVITAS Initiative in the field of integrated sustainable urban mobility activities among Polish cities, among society and other stakeholders in Poland.
  • Extending the reach of the CIVITAS Initiative to cities that are not yet members, without the obstacles of language barriers.
  • Emphasizing the role of dialogue and strengthening active communication between Polish cities, the European structures of the CIVITAS Initiative and the cities of the European CIVITAS Forum Network and the European Commission on the issue of sustainable urban mobility, taking into account local conditions.

And I plan to achieve them by implementing various activities, such as:

  • Organization of events (seminars, workshops, symposia, study visits, conferences) aimed at disseminating the results of the CIVITAS Initiative, presenting its activities implemented in Poland or promoting best European practices, to support activities in the field of sustainable mobility and a broader exchange of experiences among local and other authorities stakeholders.
  • Supporting the participation of network representatives in events organized by third parties to disseminate the results developed by Polish cities and by the CIVITAS Initiative, while promoting its further development.
  • Preparing information materials (e.g. e-brochures) in Polish on the topic of sustainable urban mobility, for example to disseminate the results developed in projects implemented under the CIVITAS Initiative, as well as translating into Polish some of the materials made available by it.
  • Cooperation with the Secretariat of the CIVITAS Initiative, its other structures (e.g. PAC or other local CIVINET networks) and with the European Commission, in order to promote synergies with other activities implemented in Europe under the CIVITAS Initiative, as well as in the creation and maintenance of a special subpage on its website, serving as a key tool for disseminating information about the Initiative and the activities of CIVINET Polska.

Member Benefits

CIVINET Polska is in the phase of reactivating the network and reshaping its community. Join us in this mission to ensure that further goals and activities of CIVINET Polska are best adapted to Polish realities and challenges in the area of ​​sustainable mobility and urban transport.

Membership in CIVINET Polska is free. Not only local authorities, but all organizations interested in the subject of mobility and urban transport and identifying with the idea of ​​​​promoting a culture of sustainable mobility and a new look at the city are welcome.

Among the benefits of membership in CIVINET Polska, we can now mention:

  • Knowledge exchange: valuable opportunities to learn from other members and share your own experiences.
  • Networking: new contacts, you will meet people and cities with the same challenges.
  • Financing opportunities and projects: increased opportunities to participate in new projects and wider access to various financing opportunities, also at European level.
  • Strategic influences: opportunities to engage at European and national level in mobility policy and legislation, contributing to more sustainable and efficient urban development.

In the CIVITAS community, through CIVITAS Polska, local and regional authorities can find stable partners and cities specialized in the field of sustainable mobility that excellently represent CIVITAS values.

Join us

If you are interested, please contact the CIVINET Polska Secretariat managed by INnCREASE directly: civinet-polska [at] civitas [dot] eu


Katarzyna Pydzińska Azevedo - civinet-polska [at] civitas [dot] eu

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