image/svg+xmlCIVINET membersin these countries


CIVITAS is an initiative of the European Union to connect European cities that are at the forefront of solving urban mobility challenges or are open to learning new practices. CIVITAS provides funding opportunities for R&D projects on forward-looking mobility solutions and provides a platform for exchange of experience between transport professionals in cities.

In recent years, several national and cross-border regional CIVITAS networks (CIVINET) have been established so that cities operating in similar situations and within similar frameworks can share their results and experiences without language barriers and learn from each other's examples.

Magyar CIVINET is a network of cities for cities, made up of municipalities committed to sustainable urban mobility in Hungary or using (also) the Hungarian language. The network, which has been successfully operating for over 10 years, helps cities and urban mobility stakeholders by sharing knowledge to learn about and implement sustainable transport solutions in the short and long term.

Events organised by Magyar CIVINET are usually open to anyone interested in sustainable urban mobility, but members have priority in participation if there is an attendee limit. From time to time, Magyar CIVINET also cooperates with other regional CIVINETs in order to exchange experiences across borders.

Magyar CIVINET serves as a platform for its members:

  • to connect to European and national policies,

  • to take part in and to access the results of research and innovation projects, and

  • to share experience and best practice in developing and implementing sustainable mobility strategies, policies and measures.

Our Work

The purpose of Magyar CIVINET is to strengthen the local, regional and national capacity around sustainable urban mobility, especially for mobility professionals and urban decision-makers. To achieve this, in line with the CIVITAS initiative, Magyar CIVINET provides opportunities for the exchange of experience in Hungarian language between cities in Hungary and cities using (also) the Hungarian language, and facilitates access to the opportunities for applications (e.g. exchanges of professionals, innovation projects) provided by the CIVITAS programme.

The communication activities of Magyar CIVINET aim to spread the word about CIVITAS and other EU-funded sustainable mobility projects, initiatives, calls for proposals and good practices of Hungarian partners to its members.

It also aims to foster cooperation between CIVINETs to stay connected with the wider CIVITAS community and to support CIVITAS in the implementation of its growth strategy.

The core activities of Hungarian CIVINET to achieve the above objectives are:

  • The organization of thematic events - in the form of professional meetings and webinars with site visits - on topical issues of sustainable mobility;
  • Joint events with other CIVINETs to promote the sharing of knowledge and experience between cities with similar socio-economic situations, including across borders;
  • Regular publication and dissemination of the Hungarian CIVINET newsletter and an active social media presence to share event invitations or calls for proposals;
  • Liaising with the CIVITAS community, participating in events organised by CIVITAS.
  • Liaising with the CIVITAS community, participating in events organised by CIVITAS.

The indirect objective of Magyar CIVINET is also to support the European Green Deal and related strategies.


Members of Magyar CIVINET:

Associate members of Magyar CIVINET:


Join us

Membership of Magyar CIVINET is open to local authorities who accept the Terms of Reference of the network.

The Terms of Reference can be found in the downloads below.

Associate Members are NGOs, research institutes, universities and other organisations whose activities are related to urban mobility.

Membership can be applied for by completing and signing the membership application form and sending it to the address indicated therein.

There is currently no membership fee.


National Network Manager: City of Szeged

Secretariat: Mobilissimus Ltd. / Magyar CIVINET Secretariat

Contact: magyar-civinet [at] civitas [dot] eu ()


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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