image/svg+xmlCIVINET membersin these countries


Innovations and best practices from CIVITAS projects are accessible to all local authorities in Europe. However, many municipalities are having difficulty benefiting maximum from the CIVITAS program. They often struggle to identify interesting CIVITAS calls for projects, find like-minded project partners, or implement innovations and best practices from current CIVITAS projects.

How can your municipality overcome these challenges and make the most of CIVITAS? Thanks to CIVINET .BE, of course! This network facilitating exchanges between Belgian cities and municipalities puts them in contact with other local authorities in Europe and with numerous organizations active in the field of sustainable and intelligent mobility.

Member Benefits

CIVINET .BE promotes the CIVITAS approach at the local level by translating knowledge into the local language and cultural context. Through events and activities, the platform supports the exchange of expertise on sustainable and smart mobility measures between municipalities, civil society and businesses.

CIVINET .BE also functions as a gateway to Europe by sharing relevant information from the European Commission. This includes updates on mobility policy and mobility projects, including CIVITAS projects and calls for projects. Similarly, CIVINET .BE provides local authorities with a feedback channel to inform the European Commission of the mobility challenges they face. Thanks to CIVINET .BE, municipalities have access to:

  • targeted information on EU mobility policies and current developments within CIVITAS
  • cutting-edge expertise on sustainable and smart mobility, including less obvious topics like citizen science, participation and co-creation
  • knowledge and advice on interesting mobility innovations and the most effective ways for local authorities to implement them in their city or municipality
  • practical support for identifying European funding opportunities
  • networking opportunities so that your municipality can exchange expertise and launch projects with different municipalities, organizations and mobility professionals in Belgium and abroad
  • free access to training materials
  • a shared and politically neutral voice to address European, national and regional governments on mobility policies and regulations.

Join us

Take part in CIVINET .BE events and activities and make your municipality a pioneer in sustainable and intelligent mobility! Contact Mobiel 21 via civinet [dot] be [at] civitas [dot] eu for more information or if you would like to be kept informed of CIVINET activities.


Merten De Kinderen
Mobiel 21 vzw
Vital Decosterstraat 67/A, 3000 Leuven/Louvain
civinet [dot] be [at] civitas [dot] eu


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