Road crossing in Annency, France

Image from Flickr by RdA Suisse licensed under CC BY 2.0

Road safety & security

Ensuring the well-being of all those navigating urban environments.

Vulnerable road users (VRUs) account for 68% of road deaths in urban areas. This group has been neglected in traditional road safety approaches, which have focused on vehicles and infrastructure. Whilst there has been a major drop in road fatalities in recent decades, the fall among VRUs is far lower.

Urban mobility strategies should include specific measures such as better active mode infrastructure and 30km/h speeds limits. Doing so can boost the use of sustainable modes, which some people still perceive as 'unsafe'. At the European level, the EU has adopted the Vision Zero and Safe System approach to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on European roads.

Concerns over safety and personal security also affect how women (and vulnerable groups) travel. Harassment in public transport and public spaces is widespread and underreported. With women more likely to walk and use public transport, creating safe services and environments is crucial to removing barriers to and limitations on the trips they can make.



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