City Changer Cargo Bike

City Changer Cargo Bike (CCCB) exploits the limitless potential of cargo bikes by promoting their usage amongst public, private, and commercial users.


About the project

City Changer Cargo Bike (CCCB) brings together 20 partners including cities, research institutions, NGOs and industries from across Europe in the quest to achieve a faster, more cost-effective and larger scale deployment of cargo bikes.

By assessing best practices across Europe, CCCB will raise awareness and support the uptake of cargo bikes and cargo bike initiatives. In doing so, the project will foster exciting developments that - among other things - offer more sustainable logistics operations, improve public spaces, engage citizens and reduce traffic congestion.

To achieve these objectives, CCCB will deploy a variety of methods:

  • Training and workshops for a broad variety of target groups including city authorities, the commercial sector, the private sector, and NGOs
  • Educating and supporting a variety of ‘multiplicators’ such as mayors, users and so-called 'local heroes' who can spread the message about cargo bikes and CCCB
  • Using the cargo bike as a medium through 'media bikes' adapted to do TV and radio interviews, as well as place-maker bikes used as urban furniture in public spaces
  • Instigating innovative funding and financing in order to address the high price of cargo bikes, which may act as a barrier towards its scale-up
  • Offering low-priced tryout and sharing schemes and developing entirely new and self-perpetuating, sustainable financing schemes for cargo bike businesses

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Fast Facts

September 2018 - September 2021

Project duration

22 partners

Project partners

€ 3,950,448

Project funding


Knowledge Bank

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James Thoem
Communications and Dissemination

james [at]

Susanne Wrighton
Project Manager

s.wrighton [at]


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Drama logo
Alba Ilulia logo
Cambridgeshire logo
Manifatture Knos logo
Utrecht logo
Varna logo
Lisbon logo
Comune Rimini logo
Stad Mechelen logo
Copenhagenized logo
Cargobike Jetzt logo
Vitoria Gasteiz logo
Strasbourg logo
Grad Dubrovnik logo
Oslo logo
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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