SUNRISE turned the co-creation approach into a tool to develop, implement, and assess novel transport solutions at the neighbourhood level.

About the project
With the intention of facilitating collaborative ways to address mobility challenges at the local level, the SUNRISE project worked to develop new participatory tools. Its mission was to develop, implement, assess and facilitate co-learning on new, collaborative ways to address common local urban mobility challenges through “neighbourhood mobility labs”.
These mobility laboratories laid the foundation for a Sustainable Neighbourhood Mobility Planning concept (SNMP) as a complementary element to Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP).
These solutions were tested in Action Neighbourhoods within the six SUNRISE action cities of Bremen (Hulsberg), Budapest (Zugló-Törökőr), Jerusalem (Baka), Malmö (Lindängen), Southend-on-Sea and Thessaloniki (Neo Rysio). With the support of project partners, the SUNRISE neighbourhoods ran a highly participatory “co-creation” process with their residents and stakeholders to identify local needs, develop new transport solutions, implement and evaluate them.
SUNRISE also collaborated with its “sister” projects Cities4People, METAMORPHOSIS and MUV which are funded under the same call and offer great potential for cooperation and exchange of experiences.
Fast Facts
May 2017 - July 2021
Project duration
16 partners
Project partners
€ 4,081,481
Project funding
Knowledge Bank
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Ralf Brand
Project Coordinator
r.brand [at]
Kristin Tovaas
Project Coordinator
k.tovaas [at]