
Metamorphosis aspired to transform neighbourhoods into more liveable shared spaces, with the idea that the representation of children is a key indicator of a well-designed and sustainable neighbourhood.

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About the project

The primary objective of the Metamorphosis project was to transform car-oriented neighbourhoods into more liveable shared spaces. With this transformation, the intention was to instigate behavioural change and an increase in the quality of life for all stakeholders, including children.

Having reached the end of the project period, creative innovations have been achieved in the development, design, governance, and planning procedures for the streets and public spaces in the participating cities. Basic research questions related to neighbourhood transformation have been answered.

Child-friendly mobility solutions were developed and implemented, including better and more equitable shared public spaces, street design elements, and child-oriented "Share Points". Innovative instruments were developed and implemented to transfer innovations resulting from the project to cities beyond the duration of the project.


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Fast Facts

June 2017 - October 2020

Project duration

13 partners

Project partners

€ 2,950,005

Project funding


Knowledge Bank

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Karl Reiter
Project Coordinator

reiter [at]

Susanne Wrighton
Project Manager

s.wrighton [at]


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