
CIVITAS Handshake is on a mission to make cities cycle-friendly. To do this, it is gathering 13 cities from all corners of Europe to share and inspire cycling excellence.

Handshake logo

About the project

CIVITAS Handshake will support the transfer and uptake of cycling measures developed by three pioneering “Cycling Capitals“ - Copenhagen (Denmark), Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and Munich (Germany) - to ten further European cities.

Areas of focus include cycling policy and planning, infrastructure design, modelling and assessment, and awareness and education. Under Handshake, cycling expertise and knowledge will be shared through transfer processes and mentoring programmes.

The ten “Future Cycling Capitals” that will immediately benefit from working with Handshake's Cycling Capitals and project experts are Bordeaux (France), Bruges (Belgium), Cadiz (Spain), Dublin (Ireland), Greater Manchester (UK), Helsinki (Finland), Krakow (Poland), Riga (Latvia), Rome (Italy) and Turin (Italy). These cities are drawn from diverse geographical, socioeconomic and planning contexts that will help maximise learning beyond Handshake as the project matures.

By helping make urban environments more suitable places for cycling as an everyday transport mode, Handshake will help maximise its modal share and realise the common goals of managing congestion and improving public safety and health.


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Fast Facts

September 2018 - August 2022

Project duration

12 partners

Project partners

€ 4,999,594

Project funding


Knowledge Bank

Multimedia Library

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Thematic areas

Active mobility


Urban Cycling Institute

Giorgia Galvini
Coordination Support

ggalvini [at] isinnova.org

Mario Gualdi
Project Coordinator

mgualdi [at] isinnova.org


Bordeaux logo
Mobilita Roma logo
Comune di Torino logo
City of Helsinki logo
Velo Mondial logo
City of Amsterdam logo
City of Krakow logo
City of Munich logo
City of Bruges logo
ICLEI Europe logo
Greater Manchester logo
Copenhagen logo
Isinnova logo
Dublin logo
Mobiel logo
Cadiz logo
Riga logo
.eu web awards
ELTIS / Urban Mobility Observatory LOGO
European Mobility Week
netzerocities logo
Smart Cities Marketplace
EU Logo

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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