Munich (Germany)
With thousands of new inhabitants (e.g. 4,000 only in the Domagkparkquarter) and 15,000 new employees during the next years, the transport system needs an integrative and innovative approach to ensure a functioning, ecologically compatible and socially acceptable mobility supply.
A reduction of car usage, accompanied by attractive and affordable alternatives, is needed. Main focus is put on Domagkpark, a new development area with low parking standards, innovative mobility services, a good public transport offer and other facilities in short distance which reduces the need for car travel.
City area | 310,7 km2 |
Population | 1.537.987 (31.09.2016) 3.2 Mio (Munich Region) 5.6 Mio (Metropolitan Region Munich) |
Population density | 4940 inh/km2 |
Climate | Humid continental climate |
Average temperature | 9,7°C |
Gender balance | 49,4 % female and 50,6 % male (2015) |
Average life expectancy | 84 years (female) 79,9 years (male) |
Car ownership rate | Approx. 550 cars/1000 inh. |
Accident rate | 46 657 traffic accidents (2015) |
Bicycle ownership rate | Minimum 2 bicycles per household |
Modal Share
Walking: 27%
Public transport: 23 %
Cars: 33 %
Cycling: 17 %
Continuous growth of city
Through a constantly growing population, growing numbers of passengers, rising pollution and the lack of urban and public space the need for alternatives in urban mobility is significant. A the same time the demand for mobility is changing and costumers are looking for a seamless door to door mobility. Depending on specific needs offerings should be simple, fast and flexible. The need for action to reduce (car) traffic, support walking, cycling and multimodality to reach a modal shift from private car to more sustainable modes.
Rising housing demand:
The northern area of Munich will grow twice as fast as the overall city. Several former barrack sites, being converted into new housing developments to accommodate the tremendous increase in population. Whilst traffic networks are overburdened the need of individual mobility is rising within the built areas. Both in new housing developments as well as in existing residential areas these growing pains can only be mitigated through the integration of residential development, planning of infrastructure and balancing of mobility offerings with demand by means of new innovative products, services and procedures.
City center urban freight distribution:
There is a strong existing conflict between providing an attractive public space and providing the accessibility which is needed for deliveries and commercial traffic. Especially in the urban areas with a lot of business and commuting traffic, freight and parcel distribution is causing increasing problems with road security and flow of traffic. Especially cyclists, pedestrians and senior citizens suffer under the growing road traffic and are more vulnerable to road accidents. This is especially a problem in the northern area because of the rapid population growth and the limited space. Consequently cleaner and space friendly solutions for urban freight distribution are needed.
Environmental pollution (air pollution, noise)
Environmental stress scenarios caused by traffic are growing. Pollution of air and noise emissions in urban areas is increasing. The high levels of traffic and congestion contribute to the frequent exceedance of the NOx concentration limits.
Transport Infrastructure
Car network
Around 2330 km of road network 819.737 (July 2016) registered motor vehicles with official registration plates belonging to the flow of traffic.
About 1.25 Mio commuters by Individual motor car traffic contribute to high traffic volume.
Number of cars approaching the city of Munich via three main motorways: ca. 150.000 cars/24h
Cycling network
Over 80% of the population owns at least 1 bicycle.
The Munich cycling network is currently 1,200 km long. The entire network is planned to be extended up to 1,400 km (500 km of bicycle main routes, 500 km of bicycle routes and 400 km distribution network)
More than 28.000 bicycle parking infrastructures in Munich.
Bike sharing: MVG Rad introduced in 2015. 46.000 subscribers and 307.000 rented bicycles by then. With nearly 1,200 bicycles at 125 stations (planned by 2017), the bike sharing system "MVG Rad" offers an optimal complement to subway, bus and tram.
Public transport network
119 million passengers per year
13 tram lines and 4 night lines
113 trams
Maximum no. of vehicles in service: 95 trams
166 stops
Average distance between stops: 474 metres
Network length: 79 kilometres
193 million passengers per year
71 routes and 14 night lines
More than 500 vehicles
Maximum no. of vehicles in service: 454 buses
974 stops
Average distance between stops: 495 metres
Network length: 482 kilometres
398 million passengers per year
8 lines
562 vehicles
Maximum no. of vehicles in service: 508 underground trains
100 stations
Average distance between stations: 948 metres
Network length: 95 kilometres
Metro S-Bahn:
Passengers in metro S-Bahn: up to 840.000 per day
Train travel on working days: 1000
Length of the S-Bahn network: 434 kilometers
Number of S-Bahn lines: 7 main lines
Number of subway stations: 150
Number of suburban trains: 253
Munich after ECCENTRIC
Tackling increasing car traffic across the municipality (focus: laboratory area)
- Input for new modes of citizens participation/involvement
- Support integration of residential development, planning of infrastructure and innovative mobility services and procedures.
- Support Munich in meeting environmental targets (air pollution, noise)
Knowledge Bank
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