Mobil.punkt: Interchanges between car sharing, public transport and cycling

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Thematic areas

Active mobility

Collective passenger transport & shared mobility
  • Ride sharing
  • Car sharing
  • Bike sharing
  • Accessibility
  • Intermodality
  • Service improvements


The mobil.punkt scheme focused on the integration of modern, sustainable transport modes, including the dedication of public street space to car sharing.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Modern parking management for inner-city neighbourhoods requires innovative solutions. Space is usually very limited, but is also in demand for green areas, cycling facilities and wider pavements.

The innovative car-sharing service can reduce the need for parking spaces, although car-sharing stations do require some public street space.

To test the functioning of on-street car-sharing stations as part of a holistic promotion of alternative modes, two special integrated intermodal car-sharing stations were implemented in Bremen, designated by the special brand name “mobil.punkt”. They are located in inner-city areas with intensive parking problems.


Pilot schemes were implemented in 2002 and evaluated in 2005. They were used predominantly by private customers, and mainly by those with no vehicle in their household. Some private customers used the service as a replacement of the private car, while others decided not to purchase a vehicle as a result of the service.


The mobil.punkt stations in Bremen served as pilots for on-street car-sharing stations in Germany. They were quoted as an example in the German Parliament and other cities in Germany have copied the model.

The mobilpunkt concept was given a best practice award by the Association of Spatial and Urban Planning (2010), the German Minister for Construction and Urban Development (2008) and the German Motor Club ADAC (2006).


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