Basic Information


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Tool type

Mobile app

Application area

  • Data gathering
  • Financing, procurement, legal aspects, measure implementation

Target Audience

  • Medium-sized cities
  • Large cities
  • Metropolitan regions


MUV-APP is the platform that turns the complex and huge urban mobility system into a safe, sustainable and user-friendly system It enables Mobility as a service for the public administration, to provide innovative tools for the management of the entire urban mobility system.

- Data indirectly produced by the final users of the MUV-APP (e.g.: tracking users’ interaction with the MUV-APP, profile data, most frequently done itinerary etc.);

- Data directly produced by the user of the MUV-APP: the above-mentioned feedback of the City-Zen module. Thanks to the storage, elaboration and analysis of such data, it is possible to increase urban mobility’s efficiency, sustainability and quality perception.


city-glance : the access point to smart urban mobility. Create your profile, select your favorites, receive notifications, consult real time and scheduled timetables of public transports, evaluate the best travel solutions by planning your trip.

city-loop : the urban mobility card, once the module has been activated, offers the possibility to purchase and / or book tickets and season subscriptions.

city-zen : actively participate in making your city's mobility better, through feedback, geo-referenced and shared with other users. Interact by commenting and voting on each feedback and earn karma based on the reliability of the shared information.

city-green : help your city's urban mobility to become more sustainable, declare a green journey, before you are about to start it, follow the instructions and collect points, thanks to which you will receive some banconuts. For more info read the regulation on the site of greenApes.

Thematic areas

Collective passenger transport & shared mobility

Behavioural change & mobility management
  • Mobility marketing and awareness raising
  • Mobility Planning

Integrated & inclusive planning
  • Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans - SUMP


frontierCities, frontierCities2

Lead of the tool development: MUV

info [at]

.eu web awards
ELTIS / Urban Mobility Observatory LOGO
European Mobility Week
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Smart Cities Marketplace
EU Logo

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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