The ULaaDS project will allow people and local businesses to easily use alternative modes of shopping and delivery by re-localising logistics activities and re-configuring freight flows.

About the project
ULaaDS (Urban Logistics as an on-Demand Service) aims to accelerate the deployment of innovative, shared, zero-emission logistics, while addressing the impact of the on-demand economy.
It will use a combination of innovative technology solutions (vehicles, equipment & infrastructure), new schemes for horizontal collaboration (driven by the sharing economy) and policy measures as catalysts for systemic change in urban and peri-urban service infrastructure. It aims to support cities in the path of integrating sustainable and cooperative logistics systems into their SUMPs/SULPs.
The ULaaDS project will deliver a novel framework to support urban logistics planning, aligning industry, market and government needs - following an intensive multi-stakeholder collaboration process. This will create favourable conditions for the private sector to adopt sustainable principles for urban logistics, while enhancing cities’ adaptive capacity to respond to rapidly changing needs.
To materialise this vision, ULaaDS will create 5 new urban logistics business models and schemes (Containerised Last Mile, Marketplace for City Logistics, City-Wide UFT Platform, and Location, Infrastructure and Vehicle Capacity Sharing) within 3 “lighthouse” cities: Bremen, Mechelen, Groningen – plus 4 “satellite” cities: Alba Iulia, Bergen, Edinburgh, Rome - and assess their social, environmental and economic impact.
Main Focused Thematic Areas
Urban logistics
Fast Facts
September 2020 - August 2023
Project duration
Project partners
€ 3,149,515
Project funding
Knowledge Bank
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Amy McCready
Communications and Public Relations Officer
a.mccready [at] baxcompany.com
Karsten Hülsemann
Project Coordinator
karsten.huelsemann [at] umwelt.bremen.de
Arianna Americo
Replication, Upscaling & Dissemination
arianna.americo [at] eurocities.eu