Cities-4-People aspired to make transportation more sustainable, people-oriented, and accessible. With demand-driven and locally designed mobility solutions, it tapped into participatory and sustainable urban planning.

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About the project

The Cities-4-People project focused on sustainable and people-oriented transport as a solution to the many challenges linked to mobility and faced by urban and peri-urban areas today.

Aiming to implement mobility solutions developed by the people for the people, Cities-4-People tapped into participatory practices of social innovation and neighbourhood governance. The project built on three main pillars: citizen participation, community empowerment and sustainable urban planning.

Cities-4-People unfolded in five European areas: the Oxfordshire County, Hamburg District of Altona, Üsküdar in Istanbul, Budapest and Trikala. In these areas, Mobility Communities were established to bring together citizens, city authorities, mobility providers and innovation experts.

By developing and providing a framework of support services and tools, Cities-4-People empowered these communities to actively contribute to shaping their local mobility innovation ecosystems in line with a People-Oriented Transport and Mobility (POTM) approach. POTM encompasses a blend of new digital and social technologies under an inclusive and multidisciplinary approach. It does this in order to bring out solutions that have a low ecological footprint, a sharing mentality and the potential to solve real urban and peri-urban mobility issues.


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Fast Facts

June 2017 - November 2020

Project duration

13 partners

Project partners

€ 3,999,937

Project funding


Knowledge Bank

Multimedia Library

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Giulia Zendron

g.zendron [at]

Ioannis Kostopoulos

ikostopoulos [at]

Isabel Fróes

ifr.msc [at]

Julie Jo Nygaard

jjn.msc [at]


e-trikala logo
Stichting Waag Society logo
UCL Institute of Health Equity
Hamburg city logo
Municipality of Budapest logo
QPLAN logo
Oxfordshire County Council
Copenhagen Business School logo
KTI logo
HCU logo
White Research logo
IU logo
.eu web awards
ELTIS / Urban Mobility Observatory LOGO
European Mobility Week
netzerocities logo
Smart Cities Marketplace
EU Logo

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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