Webinar explores how to regulate vehicles in urban city centres
Regulating vehicle access is necessary to improve air quality, redistribute public space more evenly and, by that, eventually improve the liveability and attractiveness of the city. There are challenges on the road towards regulated vehicle access however, which all cities face and for which cooperation is needed. This requires the dissemination of best practice solutions and improved data exchange and availability for further development and enforcement.
Last week, when Rupprecht Consult hosted a webinar for the German-speaking mobility community, Anouchka Strunden introduced the topic and presented the ReVeAL (Regulating Urban Access for Improved Liveability) project. ReVeAL is a Horizon 2020 project, managed by Rupprecht Consult which gathers and evaluates UVAR (urban vehicle access regulations) measures and implementation experiences from 6 pilot cities.
Following Anouchka's contribution, three experts from the field presented their current projects and experience with regulating vehicle access via concrete measures and interinstitutional cooperation:
Lucy Sadler, Consultant on Airquality and UVARs, Sadler Consultant on Enforcing UVAR measures across regional and national boarders
Oliver Spree, Project leader, Mobility Planning City of Bielefeld on Traffic calming in Bielefeld
Thomas Fischer, Head of Road Department, City of Graz on Automised access regulation management: a legislative initiative in Austria
If you could not make it, there is the chance to watch the video online here.
For further questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us or the speakers directly.
Author: Rupprecht Consult