Public transport that works: CIVITAS Mobility Match session #3 explores the future of PT

Public transport

Image by Unsplash, Mitchell Johnson

The CIVITAS Mobility Match series concluded with a third, and final, session on 1 March 2022.

During the session, participants had an opportunity to discover three tools that can help local authorities and mobility practitioners foster and improve collective passenger transport.

First, the CIPTEC Crowdsourcing Platform. Evangelos Genitsaris, a research and innovation consultant part of the Transport Systems Research Group at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, introduced the tool. He explained that it allows users to submit ideas on how to improve on public transport, as well as comment on ideas suggested by others. It has already been launched in several countries and the European level, drawing in a number of innovative public transport proposals and thereby also proving that public transport is an ideal field for crowdsourcing activities.

Second, the Smart Ways to Antwerp multimodal route planner. The route planner is helping the City of Antwerp come closer to achieving its goal of having a 50/50 modal split, whereby 50% or fewer of all trips are made by car. As explained by Silke Lamoen, Communications Consultant at City of Antwerp, the route planner combines different transport modes into one app and nudges people to travel sustainably by prioritising sustainable modes over car options. As a result of the route planner and the other measures put in place by the city, Antwerp is seeing a declining number of cars in in the city centre and a rise in shared mobility rides.

Third, the SmartMove report on "Promoting rural public transport through active mobility consultancy”. Active mobility consultancy campaigns, as explained by Oliver Roider, senior scientist at the Institute of Transport Studies at University of Natural Resources and Life sciences (BOKU), seek to increase the number of public transport users in peripheral and rural areas through the provision of individualised information and the organisation of interactive events with residents. As a result of the active mobility consultancy campaigns that were launched in eight implementation areas, a 16% increase in public transport use was reported in those areas.

If you are interested in learning more about these tools and how they can help your city improve collective passenger transport, please check out the presentations and session recording below.

Author: Elma Meskovic


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