Policy Advisory Committee members meet to discuss Mobility-as-a-Service

PAC Meeting

On 19 May, the CIVITAS Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) assembled online for a sharing session on the topic “Mobility-as-a-Service” (MaaS). In total, nine PAC members and representatives were present.

Initially, the PAC Chair KoenKennis welcomed Laura Rodrigues, the new Mayor of Torres Vedras, and proceeded with a tribute to the recently deceased member Carlos Bernardes. After a moment of silence in memory of his enormous contribution to the cause, there was a promise that his work will never be forgotten.

PiiaKarjalainen, Secretary General of the MaaS Alliance, invited to provide an overview on the topic, began her presentation by saying that it was a great pleasure to be discussing this topic with politicias who are so interested in sustainable urban mobility. During her speech, she shared the enormous advantages of MaaS, but also the challenges they have encountered and the next goals they hope to achieve.

To conclude the presentations, INOVA+, on behalf of the PAC Secretariat, presented the results of a questionnaire, previously completed by thirteen PAC members, related to the application of MaaS in their cities.
This was followed by a short debate where all PAC members and representatives had the opportunity to exchange their views on this subject, and share the main obstacles they are facing in implementing MaaS.

The PAC members will meet again in October, during the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2021 in Aachen (Germany), where they will hold their third official meeting.

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