Intelligent traffic management and control in the city centre

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City of Skopje introduces and uses the modern technologies which make the urban traffic network to be more available

Implementing sustainable mobility

The measure is consisted of the following components: applicaton of information technologies and the latest achievements in urban traffic management systems (adaptive urban traffic control which is responsive to traffic flow changes).

The strategic objective of the city of Skopje is to make the transportation system of the City of Skopje more efficient and reliable. Also, the specific objective of the measure is to help alleviation of heavy traffic congestion and pollution in the centre of the City of Skopje. By establishing the TMCC for the first time in the country, the traffic managers will be able to monitor and control the traffic on the open network by continuously getting traffic information in real time.


Because of the great density of intersections in the central area of the City of Skopje, traditional solutions like reprogramming of traffic signals and partial change of the obsolete traffic signal technology seem to be non-efficient. The current traffic signal system is not responsive to the increasing traffic demand. Therefore, new system approach is needed. The approach consists of two main design phases: 1. the design and implementation of adaptive traffic signal system, 2. the design of Traffic Management and Control Centre (TMCC). This activity are in strong correlation with all innovative actions taken for improving the public transport in the City of Skopje. The main functions of TMCC will be to process the traffic data in real time, to manage the traffic lights at the intersections in the open network, to monitor and surveille the traffic flows, and to give priority to Public Transport Vehicles (PTV) on signalized intersections.


There has been significant up scaling of the Traffic Management Control Centre measure. As a result of securing an EBRD loan, the measure increased the number of crossings covered by the centre from 28 to 120. The initial pilot phase for traffic management implementation covered by EU CIVITAS RENAISSANCE project initiate extra funding from EBRD grant have helped significantly to upscale these Measure. The additional 2,6 billion Euro from EBRD will cover the implementation of adaptive traffic management system in Skopje. The TMCC will covered 120 intersections, Control centre equipement, fibre optic instalation and conection, VMS, Video and CCTV System, etc.The tender procedure for General contracting for adaptive traffic control and TMCC is on going. Signed the contract with MIZAR for OMNIA/UTOPIA SW for additional 70 intersections. Consultancy contract signed for support in TMCC implementation and adaptive traffic control system instalation. The consultancy contract for Twining for TMCC organization, maintenance and operational experience exchange with other EU cities is in signing stage. 


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