CIVITAS RENAISSANCE embraced the motto of “Testing Innovative Strategies for Clean Urban Transport for historic European cities”.
About the project
CIVITAS RENAISSANCE aimed to demonstrate how the legacy of the Renaissance can be preserved and developed through a renaissance of innovative and sustainable clean urban transport solutions.
The project sought to test and develop a valuable, reliable and integrated package of mobility measures to make historic cities cleaner and safer. Five cities took part that faced mobility challenges through seasonal tourism: Perugia (Italy), Bath (UK), Gorna Oryhavitsa (Bulgaria), Szczecinek (Poland), and Skopje (Macedonia).
Known worldwide for their historic city centres, the CIVITAS RENAISSANCE cities had large numbers of visitors. However, the demand on the transport system through seasonal tourism exacerbated the problem that the transport systems of these historic cities faced.
Their transport systems were created to serve central urban areas characterised by a layout of narrow streets and where public, private and freight transport compete for space. Cities faced the challenge of ensuring economic vitality and employment, while maintaining a high-quality, safe and environmentally-friendly public environment.
Project results
CIVITAS RENAISSANCE aimed to demonstrate that new and innovative transport solutions can facilitate mobility, economic growth and environmental sustainability while protecting the valuable fabric of historic cities. Innovative transport management strategies reduced congestion, and initiated a shift away from the private car to sustainable modes and vehicles.
RENAISSANCE intended to raise public awareness of transport and environmental issues. Cleaner urban transport in historic cities helped preserve tradition, culture and architectural heritage on which the local economy and social development largely depend. This will enhance economic activities and social aspects.
A key project outcome was the development and validation of new break-through solutions and best practice, which sought to inspire historic cities across Europe to improve existing services, and make public transport more attractive.
The approach taken ensured that results could be verified and be applied in other cities. Successful implementation of the RENAISSANCE measures contributed to managing traffic in historic towns throughout Europe. The lessons learnt also helped European policy making and the promotion of a sustainable transport future in Europe.
Fast Facts
09/2008 - 09/2012
Project duration
29 partners
Project partners
Project funding
43 measures
Measures implemented