Improvements in the bus stop environment

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



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Thematic areas

Clean & energy-efficient vehicles

Road safety & security
  • Enhancing passenger security
  • Safer roads, bike and foot paths
  • Cybersecurity and data privacy


The bus stop is the first contact point between the passenger and the bus service. The space, the location, the design, and the operation of bus stops significantly influence transit system performance, customer satisfaction and customer safety. Within RENAISSANCE, Perugia will implement a strategy of bus stop improvements.

Implementing sustainable mobility

The structural works on the 24 bus stops have been implemented and finalized and the monitoring activities are done. The customers and users of the Public Transport service have been involved in dedicated sessions of focus groups for getting their perceptions, opinions and attitudes towards the implemented works at the bus stops environments.
A web mobile site has been created to provide commuters with another option to access public transport information on-the-move. It provides a mixture of static and real-time public transport information which commuters can access and download for future reference.


• To make the bus shelters and stops more attractive by combining design with the efficiency;
• To improve customer’s safety perception of bus stops and shelters


The transport system must be integrated into the everyday life of a community to realize its full potential. Therefore this measure gives consideration to long-term design and system performance, which can enhance the interaction of public transport with local communities. Specifically, the efficient placement of bus stops and shelters near major destinations and within easy access provides a viable transportation alternative to private vehicles. Thus, the key to successful and productive integration of public transport into everyday life includes the location and design of bus stops. Most public transport journeys begin at the local bus stop. This measure deals with the Perugia program for shelter improvements together with improvements for pedestrian access and egress. Besides the architectural and functional aspects, a larger opportunity exists to re-conceptualize bus stops and shelters as key nodes in a multimodal transport system. There are also points of conflict where safety considerations are paramount.


4 on 7 is the score given by the interviewed in 2012 on the functionality of shelters at the bus stops
4,5 on 7 is the score given by the PT users interviewed in 2012 on the perception of safety at the bus stops
4,5 on 7 is the score given by the PT users interviewed in 2012 on the perception of safety for getting in and out the bus
4,5 on 7 is the score given by the PT users interviewed in 2012 both the questions concerning the location of the bus stops and the comfort of the bus stops with shelters
4,5 on 7 is the score given by the PT users interviewed in 2012 on the availability of information on the PT service
4,5 on 7 is the score given by the PT users interviewed in 2012 on the readiness of PT staff to provide information on the PT service
In the general customer satisfaction survey has been stressed the importance of safety perception of PT users


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