Developing integrated transport management systems
Thematic areas
Behavioural change & mobility management
Interoperability problems occurring in the context of urban mobility were explored in La Rochelle with the aim of identifying new approaches and solutions.
Implementing sustainable mobility
With the ultimate goal of making public transport easier for travellers, the objective of this measure was to develop methods and a decision-making tool to help transport authorities to optimise the effectiveness and operational quality of their activities.
Integrated transport management systems comprise three aspects:
- exploiting data (data analysis, data mining);
- creating interfaces between the various softwares and databases used by stakeholders; and
- developing decision aid systems.
A working group was set up involving all actors and transport operators, as well as service users, in order to determine the various improvements needed to ensure better coordination and synchronisation between multiple transport modes with multiple operators.
The first task comprised the definition of a strategic plan to define the global integration principles. This led to the elaboration of:
- standards for the procurement, development and implementation of software systems, with respect to technical characteristics as well as ergonomic or image aspects;
- a decision aid tool; and
- recommendations for the procurement of hardware and equipment.
The second task concerned the development of a prototype software system that would allow managers to simulate the consequences of their decisions on transport system evolution. This management tool would optimise global coordination within the Urban Community of La Rochelle.
The decision aid tool for transport authorities helped them to provide efficient, high-quality and operational services by coordinating their activities.