Central traffic management control centre

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete






The measure deals with the unification of information technologies across the entire traffic infrastructure. It envisages quality improvement in information systems for the benefit of users.

A complete operating system will offer information on technical infrastructure for all possible transport modes in the Brno area on a citywide level. Moreover, through a database that is accessible by emergency services and city maintenance crews, the involved authorities will require less time to conduct clean-ups and will be able to normalise traffic more rapidly in case of accidents.


Implementing sustainable mobility

In the document titled 'Concept of construction and development of the traffic control system in Brno' the section concerning telematics lacks crucial data (i.e. complex description, characteristic technical data) on rail transportation and municipal bus operation. These are important for managing city mobility.


Supplementing current central traffic management and monitoring with a subsystem of the data in the database that covers rail transport infrastructure and municipal bus operation

  • Building an advanced integrated traffic management system in the city of Brno and creating conditions to improve a wide spectrum of important traffic criteria
  • Initiating targeted redistribution of the traffic load within the transportation network
  • Reducing the negative impact of traffic on the city environment
  • Improving traffic safety
  • Relieving traffic in the city centre area

Innovative aspects

  • Unification of information technologies in the field of the entire traffic infrastructure will be achieved, supporting the City of Brno in city mobility management.
  • Central traffic management will be qualitatively upgraded, comprising all the elements necessary for a quality city traffic management system.
  • Quality improvement in the information system towards the users will be achieved on all the levels – information, navigation and/or regulatory systems of the network, media usage for disseminating traffic information.

What will the measure consist of precisely?

The Transport Department of the City of Brno, Brněnské komunikace a.s. and DPMB (Brno Public Transport Company) have already conducted an analysis of the current state of affairs. The main activities to be implemented are based on the following:

  • Setting the scope and obtaining approval to use GIS – License agreement
  • Acquiring the plan’s metric elements from an already existing technical map (layer2) of the City of Brno, onsite control of all the plan's metric elements, and collecting data necessary for the project related to different areas or fields of operation
    • Rail area: rails, switches, crossings, switch boxes, control boxes, bridges, noise barriers, railings, barriers, rail head of oil pads, re-rail locations, drainage, greenery
    • Trolley area: trolleys, tram, poles including advertising boards and lightning, hooks, feed points, TT (Trolleybus transport) switches, poles, TT hooks, TT feed and reverse points, TT crossings, support system
    • Cables area: ST (street car transport) cables, ST boxes, TT cables, TT boxes, optic cables, control cables
    • Communications area: stops including inventory, vending machines – implemented by Unit O traffic engineering (BKOM), CCTV, information panels
    • Transcription of graphic data into GIS

Results will consist of coordination of all the data on all land transport modes within a single traffic control system.


What has been done?

  • Analysis of the usage of data gathering method
  • Physical control of the plan’s metric elements
  • Input of the data on public transport infrastructure into the GIS
  • Optimisation of technique for data connection into Central traffic management control centre (the data acquired in the framework of B6.05 measure)
  • Registration of the newly acquired data
  • Physical control of the plan’s metric elements


What still needs to be done?

  • Updating and optimisation of the data will be continued



Outcomes expected:

The complete operating system will offer information on technical infrastructure for all possible transport modes in the Brno area on a city wide level. Moreover, with the database that can be accessed by emergency services and city maintenance crews, the time necessary to clean up after accidents (traffic or other) will be reduced considerably. The key result is an important reduction in time under ordinary and extraordinary traffic conditions in Brno. The quality of public services will be improved by shortening the time necessary for the maintenance of infrastructure. The travel time under ordinary and extraordinary traffic conditions will be reduced in Brno by up to 20 %. The repairs and maintenance of public transport infrastructure can be done faster without negative effects on other modes of transport.

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