2MOVE2 furthered knowledge of innovative, integrated urban transport systems, providing networking for cities to assimilate best practice, evaluate impacts and disseminate results.
About the project
The official title 'New forms of sustainable urban transport and mobility' was abbreviated by 2MOVE2 in order to highlight the strong cooperation between leading and learning cities that shared and increased their knowledge and capacities in innovative urban transport systems.
A strong focus was placed on SUMPs. All city partners, which are Brno in the Czech Republic, Málaga in Spain, Stuttgart in Germany and Tel Aviv-Yafo in Israel, benefitted from the exchange of know-how and the implementation of forward-looking transport measures.
2MOVE2’s main objective was to improve urban mobility by advancing or creating sustainable, energy-efficient urban transport systems in the participating European cities for the benefit of all citizens, society and climate policy, respecting environment and natural resources.
The project consortium consisted of eight partners in the four participating cities. The coordinating City of Stuttgart was supported by SSP Consult which handles technical coordination and project evaluation, as well as the University of Stuttgart which coordinates a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) working group and site. The City of Brno was supported by its public transport company DPMB, while the City of Tel Aviv-Yafo was supported by the Technion Institute.
Based on the idea to develop and implement similar measures and initiatives in the partner cities, the 2MOVE2 partners defined measure packages in all four cities involving:
- Innovative, clean, energy efficient vehicles and integrated transport systems for personal, collective and freight applications.
- Deployment of ICT and ITS for traffic management, vehicle guidance, accident avoidance, passenger information and travel planning, road pricing and smart payment systems.
- Sustainable urban transport planning that combines land-use with innovative transport systems and 'human' transport modes of cycling and walking.
Implementing sustainable mobility
Following the idea of defining and implementing similar measures and initiatives in the partner cities, 2MOVE2 partners developed 23 measures in total. The development and implementation of similar projects and initiatives in the four cities allowed evaluation and comparison of the results and impacts in the different contexts within the leading and learning cities. In addition, the measures were selected to allow transfer and applicability to other small and medium-sized towns.
Specific emphasis was given in 2MOVE2 to the measures of e-mobility, freight and ITS-based traffic management. Linking the proposed measures with SUMPs and urban development plans was also being stressed. Other important topics addressed in the measures werethe promotion of non-motorised mobility and public transport, as well as the enhancement of mobility information services for companies and citizens.
The main goal of the participation in 2MOVE2 was to implement new measures which support and enable the establishment of more sustainable transport systems. This required that the measures demonstrated in the framework of this project are not isolated, but are part of a comprehensive system combining measures in all thematic areas of CIVITAS.
Therefore, special importance was given to the issue of SUMPs. All four cities wanted to implement or advance these. The 2MOVE2 Working Group on SUMPs provided strategic and political validation and advice to the project. It was composed of site managers and local representatives such as politicians or relevant stakeholders. The working group provided directions to improve the project's effectiveness, quality and compliance with policies, in addition to providing conclusions and recommendations resulting from the project.
The measures were complemented by major awareness and consensus building efforts among others through training workshops and educational activities.
Project results
For project results, see the attached 2MOVE2 brochures and the measure fact sheets under the city pages.
Fast Facts
December 2012 - November 2016
Project duration
8 partners
Project partners
€ 8,976,339
Project funding
23 measures
Measures implemented