Living Labs' Final Event

Spotlight on the Living Labs.

The focus in the final event's first week is on the Living Lab themselves! As the event starts, it is time to get more familiar with the CIVITAS DESTINATIONS, CIVITAS ECCENTRIC and CIVITAS PORTIS projects, and in particular their demonstration cities.

A varied group of cities tell their own stories and explain why they participated in the CIVITAS Initiative. What proved to be successful and what were the main lessons learnt? Learn from concrete experiences explained by city representatives and transport practitioners.


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See the videos from all three projects

See the city profile videos


With these playlists, you have the opportunity to watch videos from the 16 demonstration cities on their measures, as well as ones giving profiles of each of the cities. Discover and learn about:

  • The touristic destinations developing sustainable mobility solutions in CIVITAS DESTINATIONS:  Elba (Italy), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), Limassol (Cyprus), Madeira (Portugal), Rethymno (Greece) and Valletta Region (Malta).
  • The European cities fostering sustainable mobility in peripheral neighbourhoods and improving urban freight in CIVITAS ECCENTRIC: Madrid (Spain), Munich (Germany), Ruse (Bulgaria), Stockholm (Sweden) and Turku (Finland).
  • CIVITAS PORTIS and the innovative and sustainable urban mobility solutions in five European port cities: Aberdeen (UK), Antwerp (Belgium) and Constanta (Romania) Klaipeda (Lithuania), and Trieste (Italy).

Materials in the spotlight

CIVITAS DESTINATIONS final project brochure

CIVITAS DESTINATIONS final project brochure

The final project leaflet from CIVITAS DESTINATIONS presents the achievements of the six project sites in touristic island locations across Europe. Learn more about the project results, success stories and challenges encountered during the four-year lifetime of the project.


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CIVITAS ECCENTRIC final report - new mobility for all beyond the urban centres

CIVITAS ECCENTRIC final report - new mobility for all beyond the urban centres

CIVITAS ECCENTRIC fostered sustainable urban mobility in peripheral urban neighbourhoods and sought to improve urban logistics. Its final report presents results related to these across six thematic areas, whilst revealing the lessons learnt, measure transferability potential, and much more.


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CIVITAS PORTIS - project leaflet

CIVITAS PORTIS - project leaflet

What are the specific challenges facing mobility in port cities? How can it be ensured that ports and city centres work together effectively to create cities with more sustainable mobility and better quality of life for their citizens? Find out in the CIVITAS PORTIS project leaflet.


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Session 1 live recording – 6 October 2020

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