Living Labs' Final Event

Scaling up and transferring solutions

This week looks more into the future: what is the projects‘ legacy and how will it be built on? Discover their most successful solutions and how to transfer and share them, and find valuable information on the pre-conditions needed to get cities in the ‘driving seat’. The projects‘ experts also reveal ways to support and facilitate replication.

In the materials section, find illuminating examples of cooperation and innovation, as well as reports, webinars and replication packages to inspire your city to get into the "driving seat".


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See videos on scaling up and replicating solutions


This week‘s playlist includes interesting webinars, a variety of pre-recorded presentations, a debrief of a site visit, and insights into national and international cooperation.

Materials in the spotlight

DESTINATIONS presents 10 practical guidance recommendations for tourism and mobility

DESTINATIONS presents 10 practical guidance recommendations for tourism and mobility

Based on lessons learnt and best practices developed by CIVITAS DESTINATIONS, the project has formulated a set of 10 practical guidance recommendations on how to enhance the cooperation of the tourism and transport sectors.

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Guidelines on how to implement MaaS in local contexts

Guidelines on how to implement MaaS in local contexts

This CIVITAS ECCENTRIC document outlines the principles to adhere to and circumstances required for Mobility as a Service to flourish. It gives details on possible business and stakeholder involvement models, advises on how to go about designing user-centric services, and includes an updated version of the MaaS readiness level indicators.

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PORTIS Innovation Brochure no. 2

PORTIS Innovation Brochure no. 2

The second issue of the CIVITAS PORTIS Innovation Brochure focuses on smart mobility tools and linked behavioural change initiatives. Articles present the route planner and MaaS ideas and achievements of Antwerp and Aberdeen, as well insights into behavioural change approaches, such as the 7E model.

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Session 3 recording – 20 October 2020

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Live Closing Session – 20 October 2020

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