Awards 2010

Category I - Technical Innovation

A CIVITAS Forum member city is eligible to apply for this award. However, winners the CIVITAS Award in 2009 are not eligible to apply in the same category.
The winner of this category has to evidence: a single or an integrated set of sustainable urban transport measures that demonstrate technical innovation. The city’s mobility solution needs to refer to incremental and emergent changes in mobility and represent the embodiment, combination, or synthesis of sustainable urban mobility knowledge in original, relevant, valued new products, processes, or services.   


Category II - Public Participation

A CIVITAS Forum member city is eligible to apply for this award. However, winners the CIVITAS Award in 2009 are not eligible to apply in the same category.
The winner of this category has to evidence that the city administration have consulted and involved citizens and other stakeholders with respect to your sustainable urban transport measure/policy/strategy’s:
1) Design
2) Development and adoption
3) Implementation
4) Monitoring and evaluation.


Category III - CIVITAS City of the Year

A CIVITAS Forum member city is eligible to apply for this award. However, winners the CIVITAS Award in 2009 are not eligible to apply in the same category.
1) Continuing implementation of ambitious transport policies;
2) Active involvement of local stakeholders throughout implementation;
3) An ability to address key challenges and obstacles as they arose during policy implementation;
4) Active representation of the CIVITAS Initiative.

Award for Technical Innovation

Winner city: Bologna

Bologna won the award for Technical Innovation. Scientists working for the city and the University of Bologna have designed an intelligent transport system (ITS) that integrates traffic monitoring and rule enforcement. The system fulfils two purposes: it helps municipal staff monitor traffic flows and provides the local population with information about permits and access in the city.

Awards jury member Christian Resebo, development secretary and analyst for the City of Malmö, said: “Bologna describes an integrated use of ITS and a way to use technology to facilitate modal shift while providing a service to travellers.”

Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain) was the runner-up in this category, for its innovative bike delivery system, which uses power-assisted bicycles for goods transport within the city, helping to replace small delivery vans.

The rest of the applicants were: Beja, Brighton&Hove, Craiova, Krakow, Ponferrada, Porto, Valetta and Bolzano.

CIVITAS City of the Year

Winner city: Genova

Genova won the award for the CIVITAS City of the Year, which recognises the CIVITAS network member which has been most active, responsible and progressive in developing sustainable mobility measures.

Among a number of bold measures introduced, the city authorities in Genova bought over 100 clean vehicles for public transport, introduced a car-sharing scheme, restricted vehicle access to the historic centre and piloted a goods distribution pricing scheme based on mobility credits.

According to jury-member Anthony May, professor of transport engineering at Leeds University (UK) and President of the World Conference on Transport Research Society: “Genova has been particularly adventurous in its policy, and has covered freight (and demand management for both passenger and freight) more effectively than other cities. It identifies the challenges and how to overcome them well.”

Brescia (also Italy) was the runner-up in this category. By introducing a broad series of measures - car-sharing, bike-sharing, cleaner public transport vehicles, integrated fares system and other actions - the city authorities have achieved striking results in modifying citizens' transport behaviour.

The rest of the applicants were Brighton&Hove, Krakow, Parma and Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Award for Public Participation

Winner city: Vitoria-Gasteiz

Vitoria-Gasteiz came top in the Public Participation category, which rewards cities for consulting transport users and groups during the planning, implementation or evaluation of initiatives. The Basque city's authorities made an extraordinary effort to involve citizens and other stakeholders in the development of a Sustainable Mobility and Public Space Plan, mobilising dozens of volunteers to brief the population about the changes. This resulted in a strong sense of ownership for the Plan among the local population, which helped overcome challenges such as conflicts of interest and adjustment to the changes.

Christian Resebo said: “I sense that Vitoria-Gasteiz are truly committed to listening to the people, not just using their participation as a means of justifying decisions already taken.”

Krakow (Poland) was the runner-up in this category. Its well-developed and thorough consultation process with experts and citizens has resulted in improved satisfaction levels with public transport, up from 75% in 2006 to 88% in 2009.

The rest of the applicants were Bologna, Ponferrada and Bolzano

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