
UVAR Decision Support Tool (AccessRegulationsForYourCity)

ReVeAL Toolkit diagram

Basic Information



Latest update



Application time

10 min

Assistance data

Scope, Characteristics of the area, Mobility services already in place, Objectives for the area

Tool type

Method / Approach Option generator CIVITAS Initiative

Application area

  • Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
  • Financing, procurement, legal aspects, measure implementation

Target Audience

  • Small cities
  • Medium-sized cities
  • Large cities


The online tool, AccessRegulationsForYourCity, offers guidance on the process of developing packages of UVAR measures to support cities’ critical thinking around effective and equitable UVAR packages. It creates, after a short questionnaire, a prioritised building blocks list that might be most relevant for your city and potential UVAR area. Measures may be aimed at the entire city or a single part of it, such as the central business district or a certain neighbourhood.   

AccessRegulationsForYourCity consists of 14 questions that can be answered in roughly 10 minutes by a city representative who knows their local mobility context and goals well. 

The tool uses the responses to filter the 33 UVAR building blocks identified in the ReVeAL project to suggest the ones that are likely to suit the local context.   

The output of the tool is a short list of suggested UVAR building blocks that may be worth considering for the input town or city. For each suggested UVAR building block, the respondent will be redirected to a fact sheet that includes enforcement options; considerations on timing, phasing and scaling; gender and equity issues to keep in mind; and a selection of other building blocks that may combine well with it and a case example.   

AccessRegulationsForYourCity offers guidance on the process of developing packages of UVAR measures to support cities’ critical thinking around effective and equitable UVAR packages.  

The tool can be used as many times as the respondent wishes, allowing to change parameters to see different results.   

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