SPROUT Urban Policy Model
Basic Information
Latest update
Assistance data
Information about the city: current situation and scenarios
Tool type
Method / Approach Software CIVITAS Initiative
Application area
- Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
- Appraisal and assessment
- Evaluation and monitoring
- Dissemination and communication
Target Audience
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
- Large cities
- Metropolitan regions
The SPROUT Urban Policy Model consists of three different tools: the Innovation Readiness Self-assessment Tool, the Liveability Self-assessment Tool and a System Dynamics Tool.
The Innovation Readiness Self-assessment Tool can identify if the city is capable and ready in deploying or enabling the deployment of mobility innovations. Capturing the innovation readiness of the city by studying the city’s organization structure, capability and capacity, current regulation practices, engagement practices, financial strength and investment opportunities etc.
The Liveability Self-assessment Tool helps identifying the city’s liveability levels which will ease the implementation of mobility innovations. Identifying the current levels of quality of life, mobility’s connectivity and sustainability etc.
The System Dynamics Tool aims to provide concrete estimations on the dynamic effect of a specific policy action or measure on the urban mobility environment. Towards this aim, a cost-based approach was followed through which the variables of the system are expressed in costs by using the functions identified in the context of SPROUT. The main outcome of this analysis is the calculation of the costs generated to a city's sustainability area (economy, environment, community and the mobility) by the tested measure and a chosen set of policy responses and cross-compare those with the future mobility states estimated in do-nothing scenarios.