SPROUT works with cities to produce practice-based knowledge and tools for urban mobility challenges that contribute to the development of evidence-based policy needed to encourage mobility innovation.
About the project
The rapidly changing urban mobility environment represents a considerable challenge for urban mobility policy-making. Emerging business models, new technologies and disruptive innovations all must be addressed by policy-makers in their efforts to bring about change.
Previously tested urban mobility policy responses are not adequate in addressing the mobility transition that is already underway, and are similarly insufficient in their ability to address the challenges relating to the lives of everyday citizens. It is in this complex scenario that the SPROUT project (Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban Mobility Transition) comes into action.
The main objective of the project is to put cities at the centre of the urban mobility transition. By building on the solutions to urban mobility challenges developed by six pilot cities (Valencia, Padua, Kalisz, Budapest, Tel Aviv, Ningbo), the work of the project will focus on producing new and practice-based knowledge and tools. Such knowledge and tools will contribute to an evidence-based and innovative policy response to disruptive innovations in sustainable mobility.
Fast Facts
September 2019 - August 2022
Project duration
29 cities
Project partners
€ 4,412,554
Project funding
Knowledge Bank
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Maria Teresa de la Cruz Eiriz
Project Coordinator
mdelacruz [at] zlc.edu.es
Maria José Rojo
Project Manager
MJRojo [at] polisnetwork.eu