Integrated Approaches to Access Management

Strategies to reduce motor traffic normally require an integrated package of measures. Some measures will discourage unwanted traffic while others will enhance sustainable alternatives. Giving street priority to public transport, cyclists and pedestrians will make those modes more convenient and driving cars less so. A similar push-pull dynamic can be achieved by manipulating prices of different modes. The trick is to find an effective balance that is both politically acceptable and effective in achieving your objectives. In this regard, the following questions will be addressed:

  • What are some challenges and solutions in restricting motor vehicle access in certain areas and/or at certain times?;
  • What are the key challenges and solutions in pushing travelers toward more sustainable alternatives?; and
  • What are the key factors of success in an integrated approach to access management? 

Cycling infrastructure and restricted access in the city

Utrecht Accessible - an integrated approach to managing congestion

New routes and kilometres for cycling: Leaving the car at home has never been so easy

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