TravelBristol Info Centre

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The TravelBristol Info Centre was established to serve a broad cross-section of Bristol citizens, commuters and tourists, promoting sustainable transport through improved information and services.

Implementing sustainable mobility

The need for a transport information centre was identified as important to improving access to transport information for Bristol residents and visitors alike. It is also a much-needed resource for council staff to use during public consultations and other transport events. The information centre is seen as an important means to integrate services and provide information tailored to individual locations and events.



Information is available for the whole of Bristol and for all modes of transport. The centre provides information such as timetables, routes and fares for the greater Bristol area. There is a sales point for a range of season tickets for travel on buses serving the greater Bristol area. The city council provides information on all modes of transport, plus topical information on projects and schemes. City council information is displayed on electronic panels as well as traditional printed leaflets, posters and displays.



The TravelBristol Info Centre opened in November 2004, with the operator First providing information and ticketing for commercial bus services, and the council providing a range of other travel and transport information.


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