Intermodal trip planner

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The Intermodal Trip Planner is an Internet product designed to give residents or visitors to Bristol access to high-quality travel information for buses, trains, ferries, cycling and walking.

Implementing sustainable mobility

The measure was introduced in recognition of the need to provide information tailored to individual travellers, particularly those with reduced mobility. The Intermodal Trip Planner provides users with full door-to-door itineraries in either text or graphic form, with the option of personalising search criteria.



Between 1998 and 2000, Bristol City Council developed a pilot bus trip planner in the framework of the European Commission project INTERCEPT. Running in parallel with INTERCEPT was the UK national project Traveline, the aim of which was to provide users with regional public transport information by phone and Internet. This initiative provided the bus data for ITP application, ensuring that consistent, up-to-date information was provided, whatever the medium.

While local authorities develop a regional application embracing local bus and more strategic public transport journeys, work through VIVALDI has focused on the provision of multi-modal information for the urban environment.


Bristol City Council coordinated the development of the product with the aid of technical developers. To acquire all of the relevant background data and information it was necessary to work with a number of different teams within the council, including the Information Technology Team, the Public Transport Team, and the Walking, Cycling and Access Team. The UK charity Sustrans also assisted in the development of the application and in user testing.  

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