Beacon-based indoor routing as a mobility service app
Thematic areas
Smart, Sustainable, Connected and Shared mobility
- Connected and automated transport
- Real-time road-user information
- ITS-based enhancement of public transport
- ITS for traffic
Road safety & security
- Enhancing passenger security
- Safer roads, bike and foot paths
- Cybersecurity and data privacy
The simplification of the transitions between the individual means of transportation is a challenge for the multimodal mobility. In this measure the focus is on special transportation needs of deaf and blind persons. The short term goal is to make an indoor routing App for deaf and blind persons available. The Application is based on “Beacons” and will give needed information to facilitate the multimodal mobility of this target group.
Implementing sustainable mobility
What was the initial situation before the measure?
The navigation inside the subway station is currently instructed by signs and partly route guidance for freedom of barriers. There is no customer-focused information and no specific information on accessibility to all persons (including deaf and blind people). In Munich public transport passengers become lost and do not find the route to the connection or to the best exit inside huge stations. This challenge is for blind and deaf people more difficult, as a result these people avoid public means of transport. At the present day it is possible to navigate outside and route through the public transport, but it is not possible to navigate passengers indoor in order to switching mobility, route to the next connection or find the exit.
What problems and needs does your measure aim to address?
Mainly for blind people it is hard to navigate and become lost in a subway station. Often it is difficult especially for blind people to get the required information (e.g. departure times, exits, obstacle informations and so on).
What is the project’s added value?
More comfortable public transport usage for blind and deaf people, broadcast of necessary public transport ambient-information.
How does it works?
The application will be used via Voice Over and speech output. Voice Over is a convenient standard software tool of the iOS System.