TMaaS - Traffic Management as a Service

TMaaS Traffic Management as a Service

Basic Information


Dutch, English

Latest update



Assistance data

Local mobilty services, public transport info

Tool type

Mobile app Software

Application area

  • Exploitation and business plans

Target Audience

  • Medium-sized cities
  • Large cities
  • Metropolitan regions


Ghent developed the Traffic Management As a Service ( concept in order to monitor and manage traffic (for all transport modes). No lengthy investments in  hardware installations are needed, the cloud-based platform processes multi-modal mobility information. The city works with world-class partners to collect and process innovative mobility data.  The Traffic Management as a Service platform automatically analyzes this information and notifies operators and citizens, strongly reducing the need to watch screens 24/7.

The platform will not be built specifically for Ghent, it will allow any city to connect!  Once the platform has been established, the goal is that every small- to medium-sized city can subscribe and immediately get insights on mobility, manage traffic and communicate with citizens.

Good Example

"Our strategy to develop an innovative traffic center fits perfectly within our ‘City of People’-strategy. ICT and innovation are very important but they are always means to an end, never a goal as such. In Ghent, local government, academics, companies and civilians together search for solutions to challenges in society. Our final goal is and will always be to improve life for all Ghentians. It is clear that processing traffic data in order to provide real-time information to our residents will do so.”

Daniel Termont, Mayor of the city of Ghent

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