Smart City Logistics Platform

Basic Information



Latest update


This is a protoype and can be used by clients through a yet to be defined service/pricing model with the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology.

Application time

The tool is straightforward. After set up of input data web services, the tool can be easily applied and also expanded with further analysis modules.

Assistance required

External assistance is required

Assistance data

All kinds of relevant geospatial data on transport infrastructure, air quality, traffic counts, etc. All can be provided as interoperable web services.

Tool type


Application area

  • Data gathering
  • Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
  • Evaluation and monitoring
  • Dissemination and communication

Target Audience

  • Small cities
  • Medium-sized cities
  • Large cities



Smart City Logistics is a decision support platform for urban logistics for European cities. It provides decision makers with a wide range of easy-to-understand information to support the development of urban freight transportation plans.


Addressing urban logistics requires an integrated understanding of transport, environmental and socio-economic aspects to arrive at sustainable solutions. The Smart City Logistics platform maps users’ information on transportation networks, access restrictions, traffic measures, delivery and transport facilities, administrative units, population, land use and emission situations.

Smart City Logistics allows users to assess trends and relationships from different perspectives and identify innovative and strong sustainable solutions.

Good Example

The platform has been used in the project where a few cities have been using the information in the Smart City Logistics Platform to plan more sustainable trips and visualise City Logistics related information.


Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Department for Environmental Research and Innovation, eScience Unit, Ulrich Leopold (responsible)

ulrich.leopold [at]


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