Personalised Travel Planning Guidelines
Basic Information
English, Dutch, Latvian, Slovenian, Spanish
Latest update
Tool type
Guidance document / Manual Method / Approach
Application area
- Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
- Dissemination and communication
Target Audience
- Rural areas
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
- Large cities
- Metropolitan regions
- Other
The PTP-Cycle project has developed a comprehensive set of resources to help cities develop a personalised travel-planning project in residential, workplace, event and university settings.
Personalised Travel Planning (PTP) is a tried and tested way of achieving sustainable modal shift. As the term suggests, PTP provides tailored information directly to the individual on sustainable mobility options through a one-to-one discussion with a PTP Adviser.
The resulting information pack is then hand-delivered, leading to a greater likelihood of behaviour change than a one-size-fits-all-approach.
Some tools:
1) Methodology
The updated Methodology Handbook gives basic guidance on the general principles and practice involved in setting up and delivering a personalised travel-planning project. It also provides specific guidance with regard to implementing a project in either a residential, workplace or university setting, as well as tips for delivering PTP ‘in the field’.
2) Training Manual – How to give good travel advice
The manual is aimed at supporting project managers in their understanding of how to conduct effective travel advice conversations in a personalised travel-planning project.
3) Champions’ Resource Pack
The Champions’ Resource Pack is intended for project managers. It runs through briefly how volunteers (or ‘champions’) might be involved and contribute to a personalised travel-planning project, including an insight into their recruitment and the activities they might undertake.
PTP-Cycle project
fboschetti [at]