PASTA Handbook - good practice for walking and cycling

Basic Information



Latest update



Tool type

Guidance document / Manual Method / Approach

Application area

  • Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
  • Financing, procurement, legal aspects, measure implementation
  • Dissemination and communication

Target Audience

  • Small cities
  • Medium-sized cities
  • Large cities
  • Metropolitan regions


There exist numerous handbooks and good practice collections which illustrate success stories from cities all over the world which have become leaders in active mobility promotion and public space design for people. They provide excellent recommendations to planners and urban designers about how to create healthy places through active mobility, and build more inclusive communities for walking and cycling.

The innovation of the PASTA Handbook lies in its original approach for identifying successful measures across the transport planning and public health domains that had a health dimension embedded.

The compendium comprises a selection of 8 best practice examples, two for each of these four domains:

  • Strategic policy
  • Social environment
  • Physical environment and infrastructure
  • Regulation and legislation

Overall 8 good practices are described in case studies. These good practices have specific characteristics of active mobility measures that can effectively support decision makers in a greater uptake of innovative approaches to promote walking and cycling in daily life. By this approach PASTA looks at a larger spectrum on different intervention levels beyond traditional sectors of urban and transport planning and health promotion.

Best practice measures were selected for their characteristics:

  • Innovation aspects
  • Potential for enhancing physical activity and promote active mobility
  • Cross-sectoral and institutional cooperation
  • They bring added value and meet new challenges

Each selected measure has been identified and described with respect not only to the implementation aspects but through an analytical description of the institutional infrastructure and policy environment in which action and the development of the good practice could take place, providing most useful practical information which constitutes the added value of such a search in PASTA.

Good practices are described for an expert audience of practitioners and decision makers working in transport and health. The compendium also comprises a list of existing resources, tools and compilations of good practices for practitioners .

Good Example

The Healthy Streets Approach London, United Kingdom

In response to public health challenges facing the city, London introduced a Transport Action Plan in 2014. Developed by a Public Health Consultant working in Transport for London (TfL), the city’s transport authority, it outlines transport-related measures for improving the health of Londoners. The Plan sets out 10 action points related to TfL’s ‘business as usual’ processes that, if undertaken, should help TfL respond to public health challenges. By making the links between transport and health explicit, the Plan makes a clear contribution to public health. The Healthy Streets Approach contained within the Plan is crucial: this seeks to increase active mobility levels and in turn reduce the incidence of diseases and conditions linked to or exacerbated by physical inactivity, such as Type 2 Diabetes.

Thematic areas

Active mobility


Florinda Boschetti, Polis

fboschetti [at]

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