Image from ParkPAD website
Basic Information
Latest update
1500€ EX VAT Auditor training, 2000€ annual user fee for access to the ParkPAD platform, Audits - rates at discretion of auditor
Application time
A few weeks / months
Assistance required
Required assistance from your country's Auditor
Assistance data
Information on parking and motor vehicles in a city, public participation, promotion
Tool type
Indicator set Method / Approach Other CIVITAS Initiative
Application area
- Data gathering
- Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
- Appraisal and assessment
- Financing, procurement, legal aspects, measure implementation
Target Audience
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
- Large cities
ParkPAD provides guidance to cities on their urban parking policies. The tool allows you to focus on improving current policies while planning for various future policy goals. A product of the European Park4SUMP project, the ParkPAD tool has been championed as an innovative way of checking in, prioritizing and updating parking policies. It introduces a consensus building process across stakeholders in a highly contentious topic as parking.
Good Example
A trained and experienced national auditor guides a city throughout the audit process, in the local language. Using a digital survey, the auditor assesses current parking management policies and practices. Based on this input, two half-day physical consensus building sessions take place moderated by the auditor. The first half-day round table determines the current status and level of parking policy in the city. The second session formulates the parking policy ambitions and parking management levels for the city by drafting a ParkPAD action plan. Finally, the city receives a full report and an official ParkPAD certificate.