Basic Information
Latest update
Please contact OpenTrack Railway Technology for the price of the software or TTK if you want them to build the modell
Application time
Depending on the size of the model (one line, more lines or entire network)
Assistance required
External support is advised to use the software (and eventually the model). OpenTrack provides software support.
Assistance data
ITCS Data (dwell times, travel times, etc.)
Tool type
Indicator set Method / Approach
Application area
- Data gathering
- Other
Target Audience
- Metropolitan regions
- Other
OpenTrack is a software tool for modelling the variability of real life public transport operation. By means of dynamic simulations, communities and operators can answer decisive questions and find the best and most innovative solution to suit a variety of contexts.
Due to growing demand, operators of trams, tram-trains and metros are constantly faced with new challenges when it comes to their lines and existing or planned networks:
- Will the infrastructure measure indeed prove to be a benefit for the system?
- Will the new vehicles be able to meet the existing journey times?
- Do the new crossing points fit the new timetable?
In contrast to heavy rail systems, light rail is influenced by a large number of exterior factors so that theoretical running times can rarely be met precisely. Variations in stop times and travelling speed in the course of the day as well as perturbations caused by other road users impact the travel dynamics.
Over the years, TTK has gained an in-depth knowledge and experience in all matters related to transport operations. Since 2007, it has been decided to buy and use OpenTrack to provide further services in our studies. In the development of OpenTrack the Swiss manufacturer benefited from TTK's light rail know-how to adjust the software functionalities: beyond the classic procedures at complex nodes and stops and around single-track sections OpenTrack also considers impacts of private transport. Road junctions as well as running on embedded track sections and in pedestrian zones are reproduced in the model.
An OpenTrack simulation thus fills the gap between results achieved with statistical planning tools and extensive simulations of overall traffic.
Good Example
- Vehicle Dynamics: comparison of different fleets or of a mixed fleet on the operation
- Operational routines and their capacity: test of the highest frequency possible with the infrastructure, capacity of rail junctions, robustness of the operation, test of different operation scenarios
- Modelling of the entire network: study of the network effects
- Modelling of depot and main repair shop: study of the whole day operation (from ramp-up to ramp-down)
OpenTrack Railway Technology / Daniel Hürlimann
pierre-alain.boeswillwald [at]