Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) Software
Basic Information
Latest update
Prices differ depending on the license (academic, professional, etc.)
Application time
Application time depends on the project (ranges from a day to multiple months)
Assistance data
The software requires a list of stakeholders, their criteria, stakeholder weights and evaluation scores that can be qualitative or quantitative.
Tool type
Method / Approach Mobile app
Application area
- Data gathering
Target Audience
- Rural areas
- Metropolitan regions
- Other
The Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA©) is a decision-making method to enable the simultaneous evaluation of alternative policy measures, scenarios, technologies, etc. while explicitly including different stakeholders’ opinions at an early stage of the decision-making process.
Organisations use decision-making models to make faster and better decisions. However, the existing models for multi-criteria analysis do not offer the possibility of involving stakeholders during the whole decision-making process, even if they propose a collaborative platform at all.
MAMCA is extremely well suited to complex decision-making processes such as those involved in mobility policies and the transport sector where many stakeholders from several areas and with different background are involved. It renders the decision-making processe more efficient and contributes strongly to critical debates by offering to approach these with a democratic dimension.
The software available on can help to evaluate policy interventions in mobility in terms of their stakeholder support and it also includes a multi-criteria analysis module that can be used for sustainability assessment.
Good Example
MAMCA has been used in the NISTO project to develop an evaluation toolkit to provide an easy-to-use set of tools for practitioners to evaluate small-scale mobility projects. The toolkit uses multi-criteria analysis assessment of sustainability and MAMCA to assess stakeholder preferences.The NISTO toolkit has been designed for transport planners, local and regional authorities, researchers and non-governmental organisations, who want to appraise different options to solve a mobility-related problem in the urban or regional context. It is particularly suited for the early assessment of alternatives when detailed data is not yet available about the impacts of the interventions.
The evaluation tools provide a ranking of alternative solutions based on a set of sustainability criteria and on stakeholders’ preferences.
These rankings can guide decision-makers when taking a decision for one of the options. The tools therefore do not take over the responsibility of taking the decision itself. The rankings suggested are not ultimate, since considerations that are not covered by this toolkit (e.g. politics, duration of the implementation, synergies with other projects or plans) may also be relevant for the decision-makers.
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The MAMCA method and software was also used in the Mobility4EU project to appraise the preferences of stakeholders towards four scenarios for transport and mobility in Europe in 2030.
For more information please visit
MOBI, the Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Centre (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Lead of the tool development: Mobility4EU
Cathy.Macharis [at]
0032 2 614 8303