KonSULT, the Knowledge-base on Sustainable Urban Land use and Transport
Basic Information
Latest update
Free of charge
Application time
One run of the KonSULT Measure Option Generator takes a few minutes. An interactive group session of around an hour can generate many new ideas.
Assistance required
The website provides all the guidance needed on its use. There is a comments tab for users who wish to record observations or ask questions.
Assistance data
None, but it helps if users have thought about their high-level objectives, problems and desired performance indicators.
Tool type
Guidance document / Manual Option generator Software
Application area
- Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
Target Audience
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
- Large cities
- Metropolitan regions
The overarching aim of KonSULT is to contribute to the effective generation of policy options for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. The KonSULT online Measure Option Generator is designed to help policy makers, professionals and interest groups to understand the challenges of achieving sustainability in urban transport and to identify appropriate policy measures and packages.
Users specify their context, including their objectives and strategy, and the Measure Option Generator provides suggestions at three levels:
- an ordered list of individual measures
- an ordered list of measures which complement a specified measure
- an ordered list of packages of measures.
Each suggested measure is linked to a fuller description of that measure in KonSULT’s comprehensive Policy Guidebook, which currently (mid 2017) includes 64 measures in seven categories and over 200 case studies.
KonSULT also outlines the process of developing sustainable urban transport strategies through its Decision-Makers' Guidebook.
Good Example
Nine European cities with differing levels of SUMP experience recently tested KonSULT. All nine confirmed that it reflected their understanding of their current policy measures, seven considered that it provided them with new information and five identified possible new policy measures as a result of using it. The less experienced cities had not previously considered the packaging of policy measures and welcomed KonSULT’s guidance on the use of packaging.
Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
Lead of the tool development: CH4LLENGE
www.konsult.leeds.ac.uk/contact-us [at]