EVIDENCE database
Basic Information
Latest update
Free of charge
Tool type
Guidance document / Manual
Application area
- Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
- Appraisal and assessment
Target Audience
- Small cities
- Medium-sized cities
The EVIDENCE project collated the existing economic evidence for 22 sustainable urban mobility measures through an investigation of case studies, reports, project outputs and other available sources where the appraisal and evaluation were of a sufficiently high standard.
The outputs of the project include a database of over 350 source documents and an analysis of the evidence for each measure produced in summary form and in-depth reviews. Also training materials are available for each measure.
Addition reports discuss common practice in project appraisal and decision-making, in the allocation of funding to transport projects, especially the use of Cost Benefit Analyses. These reports make recommendations on how such practices could be improved to allow for a broader appraisal approach encompassing multiple criteria in the decision-making process, to allow for the wider societal, health and environmental benefits of sustainable mobility measures.
Thematic areas
Active mobility
Public transport
Clean fuels and vehicles
- Cleaner fleets
Smart & connected mobility
Demand & urban space management
Behavioural change & mobility management
- Mobility Planning
Urban logistics
Interactions Ltd
Lead of the tool development: EVIDENCE
Ian2.Shergold [at] uwe.ac.uk
0044 117 32 81178