EC Study on Urban Logistics - "The integrated perspective"

Basic Information



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Tool type

Guidance document / Manual Method / Approach

Application area

  • Data gathering
  • Analysis, scenarios and measure selection
  • Appraisal and assessment

Target Audience

  • Small cities
  • Medium-sized cities
  • Large cities
  • Metropolitan regions


Study from the European Commission - Mobility and Transport Directorate General with the objective to develop guidance documents including best practices on six different aspects of urban logistics. The target group being local and regional administrations. Each topic includes one non-binding guidance document and one technical report (more detailed). The final report "The integrated perspective" binds the non-binding guidance documents together and comprise all recommendations (13 deliveries in total):

This final report covers;

  • The use of information and communication technologies;
  • Treatment of logistics activities in Urban Vehicle Access Regulation Schemes;
  • Engagement of stakeholders when implementing urban freight logistics policies;
  • Logistics schemes for e-commerce;
  • The use of environmentally friendly freight vehicles;
  • Indicators and data collection methods on urban freight distribution
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